Europa Barbarorum Online Tournament 2010 September
Point System
A very straightforward point system will be used. For each win, you gain one point. For each loss, you lose one point. The same applies to team games. Remember: Team games must be even-sided (2v2, 3v3, or 4v4). Each member of the winning team gains one point. Each member of the losing team loses one point.
There are two sets of points. Each player has his own point count. The second point count is the factional point count. Each faction has a number of wins and a number of losses equivalent to the total wins and losses of all players using that faction during that tourney month. Points only are counted for every month. There are no rollover points.
Signing Up
Threads like these must be set up one or two weeks prior to the beginning of the tourney. Let this be an example. To sign up for the tourney, reply to this post with your faction of choice. And I mean your final choice of faction. No changes will be allowed mid-way through the tourney. Once it begins, you're set. The only option you will have is to opt-out of the tourney (that is also final; no opt-out and then resume; if you have to have a week off, that's fine, but don't "fold your cards" unless you're completely sure).
Note: On Hamachi and in-game you must use the same name you use on The Guild. This is to avoid confusion. If you have a really long name, like "Hannibal Khan the Great", and you choose to use usernames like Hannibal Khan, that's fine. A shortened version of a long name is fine as long as it is recognizable.
You must upload and submit replays by posting links to the replays here in the form of a reply. Remember to state who you played against and who the winner was. Only winners are allowed to post replays so as to avoid duplicates. Thank you.
Every month, the tourney will have not only participating players but also jury members. Jury members cannot double as players in the same month, and players cannot double as jury members in the same month. The Jury is a board of a maximum of 9 members that adjudicate cases of conflict and protest. The minimum size of the Jury is 3 because it takes the agreement of 3 Jury members to come to a final verdict on who the winner was in special cases and whether cheating took place in protests for disqualification (DQ, wherein the game is not counted toward gain or loss). Three cases of cheating and the player is removed from that month's tourney, and his score contribution removed from the factional score as well. To be a Jury member you must state below that you wish to be so. Remember: This means you will not participate as a player and will solely make yourself available to review replays for cases of protest and conflict. There presumably won't be too many of these, so it shouldn't be much of a problem! All Jury members are respected and admired for their sacrifice. Thank you all.
And that's about it. If you want more of the nitty-gritty details, such as rules, what to do, what not to do, what to expect, etc., visit the website (it's a must-read for even the oldies). Find it at Use the contact button (links to our email: for any concerns, questions or suggestions.
Jury Members
Wins - Losses = Total Score
Wins - Losses = Total Score
Arverni 0 - 0 = 0
LazyO 0 - 0 = 0
SPQR 0 - 0 = 0
SlickNicaG69 0 - 0 = 0
Top 3 Players
Top 3 Factions