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Thread: Help needed: how to simulate Egytian civil war

  1. #1

    Default Help needed: how to simulate Egytian civil war

    I'm playing the Ptolemaics for the first time, but since they're so easy and except for the first couple of turns where the Kyrenai and some rebels attackt me and took two towns, it becomes boring very fast.
    So I got the idea to change history and wipe out the Ptolemaics and give the power back to egyptians.
    The problem is, I don't know how to simulate this. Since I want to kill the Ptolemaics with my rebelling generals and both sides need the ptolemaic units I can't use the method of changing faction and bribe them, because it would require modding several things and I don't want to waste so much time for a campaign I possibly drop afterwards.
    So I thought, it would even be okay to just play some custom battles with the armies I have in the campaign and then disband the units that where defeated. But the problem is, armies of the same faction need to be in the same team. That seems also to be the case for the battle editor.

    Maybe some of you have an idea what I can do about that. Is it possible to enable that the same faction can fight in different teams in custom battles?

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help needed: how to simulate Egytian civil war

    Not as far as I know. The MP community did not like this feature at all, so I imagine they would have found a way around if it were possible.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Help needed: how to simulate Egytian civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludens View Post
    Not as far as I know. The MP community did not like this feature at all, so I imagine they would have found a way around if it were possible.
    Indeed. Rahl, I understand that you'd like to simulate this in your single player by playing against the AI in a multiplayer EDU custom battle. I am a technical person, but not when it comes to Total War. I am not a modder, and never have been. Anyone who wishes to help Rahl, please tell him how to remove one faction from the factions list in MP EDU custom battle and replace it with an exact copy of the Ptolemaic Empire faction (obviously with a new name, such as Ptolemaic Empire 2, or I don't know, Egypt). If he is told how to do this, then he can accomplish his objective.
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  4. #4
    Member Member Antinous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help needed: how to simulate Egytian civil war

    I want to know the same thing. I have campaign as the Averni who I marched all the way down to Galatia. Now I have almost all of Turkey and there are no wars around me. Makedon is my ruler (so to speak) and I have trade rights with everyone else. So I am getting a tad bored just sitting around and i have a lot of crappy FM's.

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