Shouldn't be too hard to do.
That being said...
I'm not on my home PC, but I've got access to a lot of the MTW files. Quick search of the .txt files for "welsh" gives:
changes.txt - need to update the VI faction start game descriptions (FN_01 - FN_08).
startpos.txt - the Era description for Viking Invasion mentions the Welsh being walled off by the Mercians.
viking.txt - the Welsh are designated faction "FN_08", shouldn't need to change this or the comments. There is a line for SetShieldImage:
SetShieldImage:: FN_08 "Welsh_lge" "Welsh_sml" "Welsh" "Welsh" "Welsh"
You don't want to change "Welsh_sml" or" Welsh_lge", but the 3 last "Welsh" entries should be changed.
viking_faction_specific.txt - lots to change here, these are visible text values appended during the game. Search for Welsh and replace, do not change the order for anything though.
viking_region_specific.txt - there is 1 line "of the Welsh" to replace.
Those are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head. These can all be modified using Notepad. Hope that helps. And make sure you copy off the original files before doing anything, that way you can revert changes if something gets screwed up.