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Thread: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member gaijinalways's Avatar
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    Default Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Just finished another campaign in vanilla MTW with the Italians expert early, and enjoyed it running out around to 1309 or so with the 60% conquest victory (even though it was a GA campaign, was at 150 points + up some 60 points or more over my nearest competitors).

    Still notice the desert battles and the battles against cav heavy armies still give me trouble.

    Exhaustion plays a constant part in the desert even when you're not moving (though this can be a help when the AI's army can't pursue your relief troops because they are too far away on the battle map).

    Had a few tough battles with nearly equal kills, winning some, losing some others. Some odd experiences too, horses run down by foot soldiers (possible?) and a case where my 'lowly' peasants and urban militia (extra shock troops) saved the day by routing some attackers and then holing up on a sand dune until the battle clock ran out.

    As to the cav heavy army battles (Argonese and the Horde), generally had no trouble defending, except when I had some older teched troops who started routing easily (could have been the general's influence too). The AI still has some tricks up his sleeves though, with retreating and trying to get you out of position if you over pursue or forget that those routing cavs don't also leave the battlefield (and yes, I use some crossbow cavs and sometimes royal knights that way too).

    Got worse when I was attacking, very tough battles with enemies that are much more mobile, making pursuit tough; so easy to be stretched out of position.
    That majority in an area really makes a difference, sometimes was able to wipe out chunks of their army and then wait for reinforcements to finish them off.

    Finally, from the near defeats category;

    Actually was embarrassed to almost get routed by the Pope when he hit me from behind with archers doing hand to hand battle of all things (had some troops in the woods), and I wasn't using that pause button at that time nor looking at the inset screen option enough in one of the next to last battles before I gave him a burial again.

    It's never over until it's over (in this case most of the Pope's army had already routed), so I was asleep at the switch with overactive pursuit on my mind, forgetting that the Pope had brought some new troops on behind me (I was nearly at his end of the battlefield by that point, yet his new relief troops easily came in behind my rearguard, go figure).

    Happy battling,


    PS I survived the earthquake in Japan yesterday, in Tokyo we just had some people stranded last night (I was lucky, hoofed and then took a bus home) at their offices and all night cafes, but of course Sendai 2 hours by Shinkansen north of us is a mess.

    My biggest worries are about groceries, though the store nearest me had a big run on its stocks, but still managed to buy most things. Will have to see also with the restaurants over the next few days. Food prices were already going up, but this will shoot things up more. Luckily I do have a roof over my head (we just renovated the beginning of last year and our new earthquake rating is substantially higher) and minimal damage to a few knick knacks, nothing substantial.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Welcome back gaijinalways,
    attacking cav heavy armies especially in flat maps can be hard, yes. Fatigue in deserts is even worse if you do armour upgrades - usually i have only one such province if at all for this reason. I like to play camps tolate stages mop up just for the battles.

    Sendai is "only" 2 hours by Shinkansen but then the Shinkansen can cover lots of grounds in 2 hours :)

    Glad to hear you are ok - community spirit in Japan is top notch - they get very organised especially in such emergencies and their shields are always up and running due to the earthquakes and the yearly taiphoons, as you probably know better than me.

    Do you live in appartments or in a house? If appartment, i wouldn't worry too much about the building collpsing, as seismic structural design in Japan is probably the best in the world or very close to that. Its building fixtures and cladding that are the problem and heavy furniture. Put all the heavy stuff down, and probably the light ones too ;)
    The most worrying bit is large glass buildings - the reinf.concrete-steel composite frame is much stiffer than the glass cladding and they all fall like rain as you walk over a large area too - very dangerous, so be careful because they will be aftershocks for certain. better wear a hat of sorts or something on your head anyway and be alert.

    If you live in a house, traditional Japanese houses often have a very heavy roof that sometimes collapses the timber frame due to the shake - it was a common occurence in the Kobe earthquake and got a lot of people i was told, so please be aware of that. In case of houses that can suffer collapse its best to lie at the edge of a table rather than under the table - there is a danger that the table might get squashed and you under it too. At the edge of it, though, as the table gets squashed it leaves a small space that an be a life saver. That was from an article i read from an US emergency team expert - he said many people got killed being under beds and tables this way, while others got saved in the way described.

    I read there was another 6 richter aftershock or there abouts in Nagano too just hours ago - but since in inland Japan, no Tsunami thankfully. If you are on the Chiba side, maybe look out for Tsunami, but if in Tokyo proper then probably ok from that perspective. In any case, avoid going close to the coast, but you probably know this yourself.

    Keep us informed and take care! ; )
    Last edited by gollum; 03-12-2011 at 06:19.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Quote Originally Posted by gaijinalways View Post
    PS I survived the earthquake in Japan yesterday, in Tokyo we just had some people stranded last night (I was lucky, hoofed and then took a bus home) at their offices and all night cafes, but of course Sendai 2 hours by Shinkansen north of us is a mess.

    My biggest worries are about groceries, though the store nearest me had a big run on its stocks, but still managed to buy most things. Will have to see also with the restaurants over the next few days. Food prices were already going up, but this will shoot things up more. Luckily I do have a roof over my head (we just renovated the beginning of last year and our new earthquake rating is substantially higher) and minimal damage to a few knick knacks, nothing substantial.

    Good to hear from you gaijinalways and glad you're ok.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Unfortunately as many will know, there is the nuclear power plant leakage problem now. The plant is in Tohoku, that's the Mutsu province mainly (as well as Dewa for those who play STW). Sendai, the provincial capital suffered the most damage from the Tsunami.
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    The fuel rod exposure at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor 2 is the main issue at the moment. We can only hope they get it cooled and under control.

  6. #6
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Glad to hear you are ok, gaijinalways.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Senior Member gaijinalways's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Yes, things have gotten bad here in Japan. Panic in setting in as radiation levels rise, and the news from TEPCO the firm handling the fires at their nuclear power plants is not encouraging, especially knowing this firms' background (several execs were forced to resign after it was discovered that inspections at plants had been falsified for 13 years!).

    Siege mentality has taken hold, with people hoarding toilet paper, rice, etc. out of fear deliveries may be long in coming. My wife wants us to leave tomorrow and stay with her parents in western Saitama as the radiation level there should be lower than here, but I worry about the inaccessability due to reduced train schedules in a bid to conserve electricity and avoid planned rolling blackouts. Also we'll be travelling with our cat and loaded down with food (can't rent a car yet, as gasoline shortages mean the car rental agencies are currently not supposedly renting). It also means my staycation will be lengthened, as one job was due to start tomorrow, though of course my boss was understanding about wanting to leave, and I'm sure we would have not been that busy anyway.

    The upside is we can help her elderly parents out, and perhaps avoid some radiation (still supposedly in the safe zone), more nature (a mixed blessing for me suffering Japanese cedar allergies). Refugee status anyone?

    The house we live in is fine, as we finished a full renovation early last year. This included earthquake reinforcement as well as full interior and exterior renovations. Not worried about another major earthquake (what's 70% chance?), but more being stranded in Saitama. Suppose it could be worse..

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    It could be worse, yes.

    It was clear from the beggining that the company messed up big time, as all the safety measures in case of emergency (like an earthquake) failed during the earthquake (extra genrators etc). They should be treated a bit more severely; forced to resign is a bit too mild for the measure of danger they expose so many people.

    I would go to Saitama if that means avoiding extra radiation if i were you, but i'm not :)

    Keep us informed when you can and Take Care!
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Senior Member gaijinalways's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    I am of two minds, as people in Tokyo are told to wear masks and use umbrellas when they go out (not sure how many people are actually doing that) and some people are still continuing to go to the office. But after seeing the continued news of problems still at the reactors in Fukashima, it is beginning to seem pretty bad, even though we're pretty far away (some 150 miles or so).

    We will be leaving our time tomorrow (or even possibly tonight) as one of the train lines we need to use is only running 10% right now. We may be forced to take a taxi a short distance even tomorrow, depending how sporadic the train service is on that line.

    One of my colleagues already has fled to Thailand (part vacation/ part worries about his kids and wife and himself), though quite a few people are still here, but of course people don't go out unless they have to. Of course many people are nervous and don't believe the government or the nuclear plant company (TEPCO) is sharing all the information they have.

    Thanks for your prayers (we definitely need it),


  10. #10

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    They'll never tell you the whole story anyway, but its clear that its pretty bad from the context.

    Will keep praying gaijin. Just go to Saitama ;)

    Keep us informed when you can and take care!

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  11. #11
    Spirit King Senior Member seireikhaan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Good to hear you're alright, Gaijin. Take care. We're keeping you and all the affected in our thoughts and prayers.
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Quote Originally Posted by Yaseikhaan View Post
    We're keeping you and all the affected in our thoughts and prayers.
    Yes, certainly. I hope Obama and others get to work at sending more tangible help, too. I for one have not forgotten that the Japanese and many others helped us after the New Orleans disaster.
    In those simple times there was a great wonder and mystery in life. Man walked in fear and solemnity, with Heaven very close above his head, and Hell below his very feet. God's visible hand was everywhere, in the rainbow and the comet, in the thunder and the wind. The Devil too raged openly upon the earth; he skulked behind the hedge-rows in the gloaming; he laughed loudly in the night-time; he clawed the dying sinner, pounced on the unbaptized babe, and twisted the limbs of the epileptic. A foul fiend slunk ever by a man's side and whispered villainies in his ear, while above him there hovered an angel of grace . . .

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  13. #13
    Senior Member Senior Member gaijinalways's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Thanks guys, things still seem pretty shaky at the moment, or perhaps that is just my wife's nerves.

    Quite a few people have left the city (and others are staying indoors), with many companies canceling work as employees find it difficult to get to work due to reduced/cancelled rail services. Some foreign companies have removed their employees from the Tokyo to points further west or south, or in some cases temporarily closed/moved shop and moved them out of the country.

    Rice and milk are still very difficult to find, if any at all, as shipments seem to disappear as soon as they arrive. Gasoline is still in very short supply, prompting the rental car companies not to make their fleets readily available.

    Definitely entering siege territory, but with only cold masks and umbrellas for weapons, not very comfortable fighting off radiation if and when it arrives at higher levels. Hopefully one day this will make a good story to laugh about, but at the moment, it all seems pretty surreal. One of my colleagues commented that he has little stomach for watching disaster movies after the last few days of news clips.

    Hanging on in Tokyo,

    Last edited by gaijinalways; 03-17-2011 at 03:58. Reason: forgot closing

  14. #14

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    I would watch news only every 5 hours or so, at the normal news times or just hear them on the radio. Images/pictures can get you down and being in good spirits is very important in emergencies; they just multiply the fearful thoughts over and over and this is no good because it can numb one to the point of being unable perhaps to act at the critical moment or to act spasmodically.

    I would Keep "busy" as i could. Play the game or read books or work or do whatever it is that you do for leisure (gardening etc),motions that one is familiar with.

    Women tend to lose it easily in such cases, try to calm Mrs Gaijin as best you can - she needs it and needs you.

    Will keep praying, Take Good Care!
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  15. #15
    Senior Member Senior Member gaijinalways's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have been a little busy with a book selling business moving books for an aunt whose husband passed away. Emailing people who have inquired, etc.. reading a little, as to a garden, we don't really have one to speak of (hope to possibly have one with the new place we're planning).
    The wife is glued to the TV quite a bit (watching as I type), difficult to draw her away, only the cat and I nap during the day. Oh well, she seems to be in better spirits now that we'll be going away for a few days; it also means we can buy a larger quantity of rice and get bread finally.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Tough stuff, another campaign bites the dust - AI trickery

    Bit of bread sounds good - love rice, but gaijin can;t do without bread ;)

    Unfortunately its very difficult to find good cheese in Japan - in any decent quantities at least (too expensive!) :) That's my only problem with the food there, as it otherwise its excellent.

    Going away will be hopefully good, i sincerely hope you enjoy and it calms you. Your wife helping her parents will also calm her - as well as seeing them and talking to them.
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