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Thread: EB movie brainstorm thread

  1. #1
    King of kemet Member Hamata's Avatar
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    Default EB movie brainstorm thread

    well since brennus is writing a book based on EB i think the EB world would make a good movie too

    Follows the first punic wars

    General Hanibal barca launches his first invasion of the roomani heartland a young general named Qvntvs avtovnias from the genes Antonias marches with his legion to meet him with Cornilius scippiio when they arrive they set up camp and plan the attack are they enough to save Rome from utter destruction? the battle of cannae begins..

    so this is what i got so far

  2. #2
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh rameses II View Post
    book based on EB
    Not quite, just a period which EB covers.

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  3. #3
    King of kemet Member Hamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Brennus View Post
    Not quite, just a period which EB covers.
    oh ok

  4. #4
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Movies don't do the time period justice. Everything is bastardised to make it appear flashy. I only watch movies when I feel like seeing something absurd. Men in Black, Zombie movies and other assorted crap. Things with any history to them don't tend to work very well.
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  5. #5
    Member Member Vilkku92's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Blxz View Post
    Movies don't do the time period justice. Everything is bastardised to make it appear flashy. I only watch movies when I feel like seeing something absurd. Men in Black, Zombie movies and other assorted crap. Things with any history to them don't tend to work very well.
    Yeah, it would be sooo much more fun to watch people standing still for two hours during battles, wait for days for action that will never happen, have years between actual battles, and watch ordinary, boring people talking about ordinary, boring things. Very entertaining...

  6. #6
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Vilkku92 View Post
    Yeah, it would be sooo much more fun to watch people standing still for two hours during battles, wait for days for action that will never happen, have years between actual battles, and watch ordinary, boring people talking about ordinary, boring things. Very entertaining...
    The theory of filmmaking (that I just invented) would obviously not show the 10000 people in a single shot, and just seeing them wait, and wait. You would build the shot with the soldiers moving into position, then show the general supervising the army, giving orders, or chatting with someone else, then cut to some tension building shots with the enemy army in front of the soldiers, their sweat dripping from their chins, officers looking around, the guy with the flute playing something, the high officers in the tents waiting for the start of the battle, someone going to check if it has started, calculating how much time has passed, then cut to a shot of the front lines and suddenly all the **** hits the fan and trumpets start sounding, and the psiloi move through the lines and the soldiers ready their weapons and you managed to convey the fact that they waited a long ******* time, and you only spent 3 minutes. Same can be said for a standoff that lasts days.

    Also, you don't need to show every single step of their march from point A to point B. For instance, you could do a montage of them traversing through the different geography of the road, you could do some CGI stuff and zoom in on the a map and show that they have arrived. You could just cut to another shot of them arriving and write the date and place on the screen.

    Wait, ordinary boring people? I'm sorry, but have you read or watched Pride and Prejudice? They are ordinary people, living a slightly non-ordinary life, and yet you think that murderous kings and traitorous generals are ordinary boring people?

    That being said, you wouldn't put 272+ years in a single movie, and unless you do some great and short war (Pyrrhic war, 1st and 2nd Punic Wars, Samnite war, Caesarian Gallic wars, etc.) it's better to do a mini series, specially when you do dynastic wars (Syrian wars, non-Caesarean Gallic wars, Mithradatic wars, Parthian rise, Baktrian migration to the Hindu Kush, etc.), but you can't fit 272 years in a single movie, or even an entire mini-series.

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 06-07-2012 at 02:23.
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  7. #7
    King of kemet Member Hamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    some nice idea's jirrsiy's. perhaps we could make this like a fan project for EB? plus we can do some of the soilders in cgi

  8. #8
    Member Member Vilkku92's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    The theory of filmmaking (that I just invented) would obviously not show the 10000 people in a single shot, and just seeing them wait, and wait. You would build the shot with the soldiers moving into position, then show the general supervising the army, giving orders, or chatting with someone else, then cut to some tension building shots with the enemy army in front of the soldiers, their sweat dripping from their chins, officers looking around, the guy with the flute playing something, the high officers in the tents waiting for the start of the battle, someone going to check if it has started, calculating how much time has passed, then cut to a shot of the front lines and suddenly all the **** hits the fan and trumpets start sounding, and the psiloi move through the lines and the soldiers ready their weapons and you managed to convey the fact that they waited a long ******* time, and you only spent 3 minutes. Same can be said for a standoff that lasts days.
    I know it can be done that way. I know it can be done well. But then again, it wouldnt make justice to the time period, it would be bastardized to make it appear flashy...

    Also, you don't need to show every single step of their march from point A to point B. For instance, you could do a montage of them traversing through the different geography of the road, you could do some CGI stuff and zoom in on the a map and show that they have arrived. You could just cut to another shot of them arriving and write the date and place on the screen.
    I have watched movies, thank you. In fact, I have watched them quite a lot. Note the post I commented.

    Wait, ordinary boring people? I'm sorry, but have you read or watched Pride and Prejudice? They are ordinary people, living a slightly non-ordinary life, and yet you think that murderous kings and traitorous generals are ordinary boring people?
    Most ordinary people are not kings nor generals nor murderous nor traitorous. Instead they are most likely like you or me. I don't know many people who would like to see a movie about themselves - expect if those movie-them would be facing a non-ordinary situation. By the way, something makes me think Pride and Prejudice is about ordinary people in non-ordinary situation. I actually think you said it yourself.

  9. #9
    Member Member Finn MacCumhail's Avatar
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    It is possible to shot an epic movie without having millions of dollars. Here is an example how to do it. Nevermind this is about WW2, the same technique is sutable for ancient times.

    But anyway you need some money (several thousands dollars) to buy green cloth, a lot of green cloth (for CG effects), costumes, armor (find local reconstructors), soft, camera, and other stuff.

    Good luck, Pharaoh rameses II, hope this will not end up as some of the other ideas of yours.

  10. #10

    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    I'll allow it.
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  11. #11
    King of kemet Member Hamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    well actualy this is not a project of mine but it's just something i was thinking about and was wondering what the coumunity thought about it

    ps this is for the comunity to do not me i just gave you the out line of my idea
    Last edited by Hamata; 06-07-2012 at 22:02.

  12. #12

    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    that looks awesome, Hellenistic wars have a lot of formations involved tho. I'd guess that'd be rather tricky with just ~10 actors.
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  13. #13
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Vilkku92 View Post
    I know it can be done that way. I know it can be done well. But then again, it wouldnt make justice to the time period, it would be bastardized to make it appear flashy...
    Flashy how? I can think of many ways to make it a bit more slow of course, or so that the characters convey more boredom, annoyance, etc. But I'm not sure what you mean by this.

    I have watched movies, thank you. In fact, I have watched them quite a lot. Note the post I commented.
    I'm sorry, but you incited me to do it.

    Most ordinary people are not kings nor generals nor murderous nor traitorous. Instead they are most likely like you or me. I don't know many people who would like to see a movie about themselves - expect if those movie-them would be facing a non-ordinary situation. By the way, something makes me think Pride and Prejudice is about ordinary people in non-ordinary situation. I actually think you said it yourself.
    You wouldn't make a movie about peasants farming, why would you? Because it's not exactly a story worth telling, movies are about stories, stories that are interesting and can make a person feel different emotions thanks to the characters in them (Adam Sandler doesn't know about this) wether it is to make us laugh, to make us soil our armours, or to tug on our heart strings.

    Point is, it's not necessary to watch 14 hours of men standing still in a battlefield to emulate the reality of how it really happened, a good filmmaker can think of many clever ways to tell us this.

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 06-08-2012 at 22:49.
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  14. #14
    Member Member Vilkku92's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    Flashy how? I can think of many ways to make it a bit more slow of course, or so that the characters convey more boredom, annoyance, etc. But I'm not sure what you mean by this.
    An almost-straight quote of the post I first commented. That post said that movies don't do justice to the time period, because everything is bastardized to make it appear flashy. What I meant to say was that movies that are not made to look "flashy" at least in some ways (of which you described some) are rather boring movies. Do you agree with me in this?

    You wouldn't make a movie about peasants farming, why would you? Because it's not exactly a story worth telling, movies are about stories, stories that are interesting and can make a person feel different emotions thanks to the characters in them (Adam Sandler doesn't know about this) wether it is to make us laugh, to make us soil our armours, or to tug on our heart strings.
    I know movies are about stories. I know stories are supposed to be interesting. I know stories are supposed to make us feel different emotions. I don't know where you have gotten the idea that I would want to make or watch a movie about peasants farming. I thought I said in a pretty straightforward manner that I don't want to see a movie about ordinary people doing ordinary things. Even if people in ancient times were rather ordinary, or even if they for the most part were doing ordinary things. That is what I meant with my Ironic statement about ordinary, boring people talking about ordinary, boring things.

    Point is, you're accusing me of saying things I have never actually said, or at the very least meant. Also, you don't seem to understand the fact my first post in this thread was ironic and sarcastic.

  15. #15
    Now sporting a classic avatar! Member fallen851's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Blxz View Post
    Movies don't do the time period justice. Everything is bastardised to make it appear flashy. I only watch movies when I feel like seeing something absurd. Men in Black, Zombie movies and other assorted crap. Things with any history to them don't tend to work very well.
    Wait a minute here... you mean to say that 300 wasn't realistic and didn't do the time period justice?
    "It's true that when it's looked at isolated, Rome II is a good game... but every time I sit down to play it, every battle, through every turn, I see how Rome I was better. Not unanimously, but ultimately." - Dr. Sane

  16. #16
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Vilkku92 View Post
    An almost-straight quote of the post I first commented. That post said that movies don't do justice to the time period, because everything is bastardized to make it appear flashy. What I meant to say was that movies that are not made to look "flashy" at least in some ways (of which you described some) are rather boring movies. Do you agree with me in this?
    Flashy is flashy. Ok.

    Yes I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vilkku92 View Post
    I know movies are about stories. I know stories are supposed to be interesting. I know stories are supposed to make us feel different emotions. I don't know where you have gotten the idea that I would want to make or watch a movie about peasants farming. I thought I said in a pretty straightforward manner that I don't want to see a movie about ordinary people doing ordinary things. Even if people in ancient times were rather ordinary, or even if they for the most part were doing ordinary things. That is what I meant with my Ironic statement about ordinary, boring people talking about ordinary, boring things.

    Point is, you're accusing me of saying things I have never actually said, or at the very least meant. Also, you don't seem to understand the fact my first post in this thread was ironic and sarcastic.
    Irony is hard to understand once you go and do a seriously written statement (seriously written at least for me... 'Cause I'm an idiot)

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 06-11-2012 at 03:16.
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  17. #17
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Vilkku92 View Post
    Yeah, it would be sooo much more fun to watch people standing still for two hours during battles, wait for days for action that will never happen, have years between actual battles, and watch ordinary, boring people talking about ordinary, boring things. Very entertaining...
    Quote Originally Posted by Vilkku92 View Post
    ... But then again, it wouldnt make justice to the time period, it would be bastardized to make it appear flashy...
    I don't appreciate the tone to be honest. Why the hostility out of the blue?

    Rather than just throw out insulting counter-remarks I'll list some examples to show what I mean.
    Movies like: Troy, kingdom of Heaven, Braveheart, etc. are movies about history. They all bend history to the point of breaking so that very little of it is actually historical beyond the events (some of them) actually having taken place.

    When I said that things are bastardised to appear flashy that is exactly what I meant. When you went on with your oh-so-witty counter about waiting years between battles, etc you hit the nail on the head. History is very difficult for traditional hollywood style movies to portray exactly due to the lack of action at times. This is not even going into the historical mishaps concerning the little details such as incorrect period armour and weapons as well as the kilt designs themselves in braveheart (to get specific).

    To be honest, your tone comes across pretty badly. Ease up a little.
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  18. #18

    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Blxz View Post
    I don't appreciate the tone to be honest. Why the hostility out of the blue?


    To be honest, your tone comes across pretty badly. Ease up a little.
    As the saying goes, "kids nowadays". So, when's this feature film coming out, and will it be at a theater near me?
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  19. #19
    Member Member Vilkku92's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Blxz View Post
    I don't appreciate the tone to be honest. Why the hostility out of the blue?
    Don't take it personally, since I didn't mean it personally. Arguments fight, not people. Sorry about the tone, I thought it was coming pretty badly myself.

    About the project itself, it's good if this is actually going to happen. If this is going to be a community project, it would probably be a good idea to start gathering some kind of team soon. Then we're also better soon decide what the movie is going to be about, it will be much easier to brainstorm if people know for sure what they are supposed to be brainstorming about.

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys
    Irony is hard to understand once you go and do a seriously written statement (seriously written at least for me... 'Cause I'm an idiot)

    ~Jirisys ()
    Well, I guess it was in (great) part my fault, should have been clearer. No hard feelings.

  20. #20

    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    I'll allow it :D
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  21. #21
    King of kemet Member Hamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Quote Originally Posted by vartan View Post
    do i need to quote this larger :P

    i'll probly compile it together in window's movie maker

  22. #22
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    What do you mean by 'allow'? I don't get the reference.
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  23. #23
    King of kemet Member Hamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    he means that he will allow the making of the movie i hope under the EB name

  24. #24
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    I get that, but why is it up to him to allow it? Is this some new meme that I am missing?

    (not that movie will ever actually happen. this whole thread is just a bunch of fapping while we comment on how proficient we are. Still fun though)
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  25. #25
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    I am proeficient. I'm like, the best director ever, like, better than that guy brick something? Cube Brick? /Joke

    ~Jirisys ()
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  26. #26

    Default Re: EB movie brainstorm thread

    Blxz you need to play MP more often.
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