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Thread: Danes and Ships early era

  1. #1
    The Tame Berzerker Member Age's Avatar
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    Default Danes and Ships early era

    I was wondering is there a way to give Danes ships and building the early era.I know there factions that get them in the Mediterranean but Danes had them going back the the Viking era.I have to go through about ten turns before I get them and you need a Fortress.

    You really can't do much with out them except go after Sweden or Norway which i don't do all the time.This take up florrins.

  2. #2
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Danes and Ships early era

    You can always go into Saxony.

    I've played the Danes a lot, and my impression is that in human hands they are overpowered. Taking Sweden is a no-brainer, its too juicy in the early game to leave alone. Norway can wait, its harder to take (with Sweden's rebel fugitives) and an economic drain once conquered. Since you don't really need any troop buildings, getting to Keep/Shipwright is the pretty much the first order of business in Denmark. If they were to start with a Shipwright, it would too much of an advantage (on top of spammable Vikings).

    A lone longboat at the start might be a little better, as it would increase the invasion choices. But it would just lead to stranded armies on a Baltic or North Sea coastline.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Danes and Ships early era

    Quote Originally Posted by Age View Post
    I was wondering is there a way to give Danes ships and building the early era.
    Yup, there is, its usually called modding... Just saying... :D

    - A


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