What happened is that you were mediocre at your job, obviously disingenuous and unlike your populist opponent failed to recognize the need of America's lower classes for a change.
She's blaming basically anyone, Sanders for stealing her agenda, Comey for wanting to seduce right-wing commentators and even Biden for... not being sincere, when he supported her. That was awkward.
She even blamed the media for being unfair to her (allegedly ignoring the story about Trump's ties with Russia), despite the fact that virtually every major media outlet sided with her. She insists that we should focus on the messenger [Russian (?) hackers and sneaky Putler], instead of the message (juicy correspondence between naughty Democrats), while misogyny also undermined her revolutionary progressive campaign.
Essentially, pretty much every available nefarious power conspired against poor Hillary (including Obama, who didn't openly criticize Donald), who was like totally an outsider, fighting against stereotypes and the Big Bad Bear. Sob.
Even when she admitted responsibility, she used so ambiguous and abstract terms that gave me the impression of a spoiled child dishonestly and unwillingly recognizing its guilt, after being pressured by an adult. Hilariously enough, she implied that her campaign was so mature (I proposed solutions!") that the ignorant American audience got alienated, preferring good, old Trump and his picturesque rants.
Tip: Condescending remarks like these (together with laughing at death and dubious Wall Street statements) is why you were so unlikable, despite racing against a self-contradictory magnate gloating about his sexual exploits.
Funny interview, Hillary not very surprisingly repeats the same mantra all over again, but she also vividly describes how she handled the shock of getting crushed by a despicable amateur at politics.