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Thread: What is the difference between charge and attack?

  1. #1

    Default What is the difference between charge and attack?

    Hi everybody,

    I was wondering about the difference between charge and attack.

    Best wishes,

  2. #2
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the difference between charge and attack?

    If I remember correctly, the charge value is added into the kill chance computation score (as well as the attack value) when the unit charges enemies. There is a lot about the charge mechanic I'm not entirely sure of, there have been plenty of debates about charging a unit with single-click vs double click (run), how long the charge bonus lasts, and other factors. Somewhere in the depths is a research thread on these things, I'll have to spend some time digging it up.

    The kill chance is basically this:
    Add the unit attack value, valour attack bonus, and any other attack modifier up, then subtract the target's defence value, armour value (adjusted for AP weapons), shield value, and any defence modifiers (valour, formation, etc.) from that total. This gives you the combat factor for that attack. An overall value of 0 gives a 1.9% chance to kill, each point above or below 0 adds or subtracts 20% to the chance. The combat factor is max/min'ed out at 20 and -20.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: What is the difference between charge and attack?

  4. #4
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the difference between charge and attack?

    Quote Originally Posted by MoKus View Post
    It's in TW:Warhammer section. Those two are totally different games and mechanics are different too.

    Generally, as drone said, you can charge in two ways. First, you can one click on enemy unit and when your unit will be in charge distance it'll start to charge. To build up maximum charge bonus your unit has to charge for a few seconds (don't remember the exact number). The second way is to double click anywhere (enemy unit or terrain) and your unit will start to run. If your unit will run through enemy unit, soldiers which get in contact with enemy soldiers will get charge bonus. I don't know how long it lasts but I doubt it lasts for 15s like in TW:Warhammer. From my experience it only works on impact. You can easily see that kill rate drops immediately and very significantly after first impact. Sometimes it may looks like it lasts few seconds because it's calculated for each soldier separately and not all soldiers in first line meet an enemy at the same moment.
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