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Thread: Biden Thread

  1. #481

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    The Georgia runoff will not be relevant to Senate control as Nevada's Senate race is a Democratic hold.

    It appears the Republicans will only achieve a 2-seat House majority, a drastic underperformance when they were expected to gain a 10-to-15 seat majority. It's a shame, a galvanized Democratic trifecta could have produced a decent amount of necessary legislation.

    Democrats did quite well at the state level, though of course Florida was disastrous.

    But in 2022, not a single state legislative chamber flipped from blue to red. A party in power hasn’t achieved that result in a midterm election year since at least 1934, according to Post.
    Many thanks to the incontinent malice of the Republican base for foisting Trump and rampantly-illegitimate juridical practices on the country when it only detracted from their opportunities.
    Vitiate Man.

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  2. #482
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    I hope someone informs the honorable Ms. Greene that during an impeachment trial, the Senate can subpoena witnesses and force testimony under oath. The Democrats could easily turn a trumped-up impeachment against Jordan and company (very publicly, and with legal force). Schumer should be able to nip any of those shenanigans in the bud with a few quiet words.
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  3. #483

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Now that we're pretty sure of the final election results in particulars, a brief examination of the House elections.

    In 2020, Dems won 222 seats 50.8-47.7.
    In 2022, Republicans won 222 seats 50.7-47.7.

    222 seats of 435 is 51%.

    So despite all the boundary inefficiences and gerrymandering, it may be that the combination of updated boundaries (population movement and changes according to the 2020 census), mutual gerrymandering, and the uptake of neutral districting in some places served to nullify most partisan bias in aggregate.

    Polling was pretty good, as early results suggested. A national (across the board) 1pp vote swing in favor of Democrats would have retained their control with the same number of seats they had before: 222 (meaning Democrats would have achieved the very rare result of improving their representation in government during a midterm, accounting for the Senate and state elections). A 1pp swing in favor of Republicans would have given them 5 more seats, putting them almost on the line for the consensus House projection of ~230 seats. Interesting stuff.

    Also, a reminder that despite some appearances this year, overall ticket-splitting remains at all-time lows. However, analogously to swing voters,

    split-ticket voting isn’t so rare — at least today, anyway — that the actual governing outcomes of these votes produce no split results.
    Vitiate Man.

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  4. #484

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    If Warnock does indeed win tonight, this election cycle will be the first since the direct election of senators began in 1914 in which no incumbent has lost reelection, either in a primary or a general election. And furthermore, this will be the first time since 1934 that any president, Democrat or Republican, has seen all incumbent senators of their party running for reelection win. In 1934, no Democratic incumbents lost reelection despite the president being a Democrat. Since then, every Democratic president has seen at least one Democratic senator lose reelection in each midterm, and every Republican president has seen at least one Republican senator lose per midterm. - JACOB RUBASHKIN

    It's almost safe to say Warnock has won.
    Vitiate Man.

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  5. #485

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Told you about Sinema btw.
    Vitiate Man.

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  6. #486
    BrownWings: AirViceMarshall Senior Member Furunculus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    This seems relavent to recent major breaks in political orthodoxy - thinking of the US and UK here particularly:
    Furunculus Maneuver: Adopt a highly logical position on a controversial subject where you cannot disagree with the merits of the proposal, only disagree with an opinion based on fundamental values. - Beskar

  7. #487
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    I dont think I ever heard anyone seriously say that Russian interference was limited to twitter bots, rather it was a larger influence campaign spanning multiple platforms and methods.

    Not that Glem is exactly an unbiased person to discuss such matters. He had been calling Russian interference a hoax for years now.
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  8. #488

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    I've presented information before on the collapse of American life expectancies in the 21st century, and especially during the pandemic. What follows uses in part pre-pandemic data; the situation as it stands is further deteriorated. And it's not like England is doing well here...

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    Also notice how the poorest Americans are way poorer than the poorest Britons, even though Americans are considerably richer overall. United Kingdom? More like United Soviet Socialist Kingdom.
    Vitiate Man.

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  9. #489

    Default Re: Biden Thread


    Clarence Thomas Promises To Adopt Code Of Ethics For The Right Price

    Telling critics in Congress that if they wanted serious reform they simply needed to make it worth his while, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas promised Friday he would adopt a code of ethics for the right price. “After hearing out the Senate Judiciary Committee’s concerns, I admit to seeing the wisdom in developing some kind of ethical framework for the Supreme Court, so long as Papa gets some sugar,” the senior associate justice said in a prepared statement, emphasizing that he would be willing to submit to a code of conduct that included ignoring special interests and disclosing private trips if there was some serious coinage thrown his way. “It’s reasonable to believe justices serving on the highest court in the land should hold themselves to the highest ethical standards, if only so citizens can have faith in their decision-making process. And if that means so much to lawmakers, they should take whatever donors are giving me every year and double it. Also, in order for me to adhere to some sense of values, Ginni needs to wet her beak.” Thomas suggested he might also support term limits for justices if he was guaranteed a yearly all-expenses-paid trip to the Maldives in retirement.

    For foreign readers, it might seem to you that we currently have most of our right-wing Supreme Court justices caught up in a pay for play scandal. This would be the wrong impression in my opinion. Republican judges don't need inducements to flout the law - it's what they're bred for. Rather, what we have here is the exposure of a suite of perquisites offered for being part of the right team. The content of the rulings was always going to be ideological, partisan, and result-oriented.

    Also, it's kind of predictable that you enable corruption by placing individuals in irrevocable life tenure alongside a handful of other elites, beyond all sanction and ordinary professional regulation. Look, the Framers didn't have a concept of modern bureaucracy; it's our fault for refusing to reform.
    Vitiate Man.

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  10. #490

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    With Trump surging in the polls following his indictment on criminal charges stemming from alleged hush money payments, one executive at a New York bank said confidence in DeSantis’s ability to win is flagging.

    “DeSantis is certainly a better option than Trump at this point,” the executive said. “But he’s a really weak option.”

    The executive said many are growing resigned to the possibility of a general election rematch between Trump and President Joe Biden.

    “What we probably wind up with is a choice between a guy who is very old and wants to raise our taxes and reregulate everything, and a guy who could be running from prison,” the executive said.
    What an interesting framing of the dilemma.

    Vitiate Man.

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  11. #491
    Backordered Member CrossLOPER's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Montmorency View Post
    What an interesting framing of the dilemma.

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  12. #492

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CrossLOPER View Post
    bOtH sIdZ r tHe SaMe!
    Joe Biden? Communist.

    Eugene Debs? Ran for president from prison, like Trump might. Communist.

    So you see, the American system is really offering us a choice between two Communists.

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    There are even people who think this way.
    Vitiate Man.

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  13. #493

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    You can always count on Rep. Matt Gaetz for a good laugh [debt ceiling]:

    I think my conservative colleagues for the most part support Limit, Save, Grow, & they don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage.
    For years, scholars and commentators have pointed out that the US government is constitutionally required to pay its debts, and the federal government collects enough revenue on an ongoing basis to finance much of its daily operation at least. But the issue of raising new debt to finance previously-budgeted spending that has not yet been reauthorized in a new budget is not as clearcut, so the mere fact of the uncertainty (given the Republican judiciary) is a threat to the US dollar's standing in the event that push comes to shove and the executive has to unilaterally raise bonds. Gaetz' comment is another reminder that mainstream Republicans have been fully invested in the concept of "rule or ruin" for many years.
    Vitiate Man.

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  14. #494

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    I don't think we'll ever comment on the 2024 election per se, since it's pretty straightforward, but here goes:

    De Santis and the rest of the Republican slate are so weak that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to sail into the GOP nomination. 2024 is a Trump-Biden rematch.

    There will probably not be a recession starting a year from now.

    The relative popularity of the presumptive nominees is unchanged and will almost certainly remain substantially unchanged.

    Biden only needs to win one of Georgia-Arizona-Wisconsin - states he won in 2020 - to win in the Electoral College if the rest of the battleground states stay Democratic, which is widely predicted. Biden will win the popular vote.

    The Supreme Court, and moreover the sitting governments of the three states, preclude any shenanigans such as unilaterally awarding EC votes to a preferred candidate.

    More speculatively, out of 150 million votes (~10 million fewer than were case in 2020), Biden will receive 51% and Trump will receive 46.9%, and I give an equal chance of the Democrats either holding the Senate 50-50 or losing it by one seat. The House can fall either way, but within a five-seat majority.
    Vitiate Man.

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  15. #495
    Backordered Member CrossLOPER's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    I want my 3+ party clownshow with Trump livestreaming from a cell and DeSantis, Christie and some other random alt-righter calling each other the f-slur, while Newsom stares blankly at all of this, with Biden ultimately winning in a landslide, despite falling asleep. Also, MTG comes out as bi.
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  16. #496
    Senior Member Senior Member Idaho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    I really don't understand American politics. Why is anyone in their right mind not screaming for a viable democratic candidate? Seem to somehow be sleepwalking into another politically and morally bankrupt election between two awful candidates.
    "The republicans will draft your kids, poison the air and water, take away your social security and burn down black churches if elected." Gawain of Orkney

  17. #497

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Biden's been pretty good actually, the best president in 45 years. Which isn't saying much, but it puts him comfortably in the top 10. I certainly can't think of anyone who'd do better on the current political scene.

    Don't assume he's our equivalent to the British Labour "there isn't an endless supply of money" Party's Keir Starmer!
    Vitiate Man.

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  18. #498
    Backordered Member CrossLOPER's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Idaho View Post
    I really don't understand American politics. Why is anyone in their right mind not screaming for a viable democratic candidate? Seem to somehow be sleepwalking into another politically and morally bankrupt election between two awful candidates.
    Part of it is the rise of "independent thinkers". People who won't be slaughtered like sheep. They won't drink the fluoride, they won't take the vaccine, they won't wear the face diaper. Also, NIMBYs. Very popular strategy with both right and left. Publicly say something about a particular group, but don't apply that to family members. Trans rights? Sure. Hormones? NOT FOR MY SON. I HAVE A BOY. A REAL BOY. HE IS NOT A GIRL. HE IS A BOY.

    Biden is actually the best specimen for the current climate. Frustratingly boring, but stable and capable of understanding and accepting long term consequences. I was pleasantly surprised.

    Also, how is Brexit going?
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  19. #499
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    The influx of faux "independent thinkers" is definitely the worst development in politics since Trump. My favorite bit from them recently was the "why is there no war footage from Ukraine" line that was going around a couple months ago, which is just so mind-numbingly stupid that Im pretty sure they all have brainworms.
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  20. #500
    Senior Member Senior Member Idaho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CrossLOPER View Post
    Part of it is the rise of "independent thinkers". People who won't be slaughtered like sheep. They won't drink the fluoride, they won't take the vaccine, they won't wear the face diaper. Also, NIMBYs. Very popular strategy with both right and left. Publicly say something about a particular group, but don't apply that to family members. Trans rights? Sure. Hormones? NOT FOR MY SON. I HAVE A BOY. A REAL BOY. HE IS NOT A GIRL. HE IS A BOY.

    Biden is actually the best specimen for the current climate. Frustratingly boring, but stable and capable of understanding and accepting long term consequences. I was pleasantly surprised.

    Also, how is Brexit going?
    Brexit is subject to the "true Scotsman" fallacy. Ask a Brexiteer why it's been such a total shit show and they'll tell you it's because we haven't truly delivered Brexit yet.

    My missus accidentally bumped into starmer last year. She heckled him as he was doing some photo op in the local park. The minders came over and said she could speak to the great man afterwards and raise her concerns. He said that he didn't have any ideology. "How do we know what you actually stand for?" She asked, without satisfactory answer. She said he was like Kryten from red dwarf in real life.
    Last edited by Idaho; 08-01-2023 at 20:06.
    "The republicans will draft your kids, poison the air and water, take away your social security and burn down black churches if elected." Gawain of Orkney

  21. #501
    Backordered Member CrossLOPER's Avatar
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    Default Re: Biden Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Idaho View Post
    My knowledge of UK politics is thin. Briefly looking over his stances, I am inclined to agree with him as they appear to be vaguely left leaning. What memes does he spawn?
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  22. #502

    Default Re: Biden Thread

    The best path for former neoconservatives is back unto liberalism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Kristol
    I think capitalism far superior to socialism, and free markets with a welfare state and some regulation far superior to a government-run economy with limited room for freedom. But if capitalists side with authoritarians--better social democracy than corporatist authoritarianism.
    Vitiate Man.

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