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Thread: Making the Wiki Relevant

  1. #1
    there's a cat in the mech Member Twilight Esker's Avatar
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    Default Making the Wiki Relevant

    Not to come off too badly as an apparent upstart from nowhere, but I think it's fair to say the Org wiki has a problem.

    I boil it to three things that permanently drop its appeal at a glance:
    1. It is visually 'default'. No character, not in the way the forum has. Compare to Total War Center; the wiki visually compliments the forum. This overlap can be found many places, not this one. I consider it a top issue despite the age old maxim, graphics are not everything.
    2. Content is unorganized and I would say, unsophisticated. No driving structure to it, just the brief initiative of contributors 'from the time'. This is to say the very presentation at a text level needs work, not just that the content is incredibly incomplete.
    3. The login connection is nifty; the inability to edit after the connection is made, not so much.

    There's a minor, but notable +1,
    4. The MediaWiki version has fallen badly out of date. Not a huge deal and still usable, but if moves are made it is an easy step forward (in comparison to the forum). Perhaps even easier given the state of content as it is.

    As I noted in the private messages that started this, I do have a conflict of interest because I'm working with the TWC Wiki and that is where a majority of my contributing interest is going at the moment. But I am not especially picky in a wish to see 'the older sites' move forward. So were I to involve in this I would have a pretty focused drive; technical stability, a layout to expand from, and completeness on data to intersect the wiki and the forum. So, laying groundwork and suggested policy for Total War offerings, with true page-to-page work being the intersect with Org matters. If nothing else the Wiki can do an excellent job presenting org-related information, such as the key .Org mods and a breakdown of site features. Purpose, even if it may never quite match up with its competitors in scale (unless it manages multiple regular contributors + a steady flow of outsiders, might be a bit much to expect now...).

    It's a connection I believe is worth exploring, both for my own edification and the Org's benefit. Before getting in pure technical, I present this as a premise to begin from.

  2. #2
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making the Wiki Relevant

    If I remember correctly, the ability to edit was lost when we updated the vBulletin software a few years back. Either the login didn't mesh with the new software, or the wiki no longer played nicely, can't remember the actual problem, but it never got resolved.

    The last big push to add content to the wiki was around the release of Shogun 2, we tried to organize the M2TW content and add in the Shogun2 data. Tosa was helping us out.
    The .Org's MTW Reference Guide Wiki - now taking comments, corrections, suggestions, and submissions

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  3. #3
    Research Fiend Technical Administrator Tetris Champion, Summer Games Champion, Snakeman Champion, Ms Pacman Champion therother's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making the Wiki Relevant

    Quote Originally Posted by drone View Post
    If I remember correctly, the ability to edit was lost when we updated the vBulletin software a few years back. Either the login didn't mesh with the new software, or the wiki no longer played nicely, can't remember the actual problem, but it never got resolved.
    Edit should be restored now.
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  4. #4
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making the Wiki Relevant

    I was thinking perhaps we can add some more game guides into the Wiki and of course, we need a new page for every new game that was released since S2TW - Rome 2, Attila...
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  5. #5
    Member Member Xantan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Making the Wiki Relevant

    My 2 cents with regards to the wiki.

    • If we plan on using it, it needs an update, and fast
    • articles (from Wikipedia, sourced?) about every game after S2TW
    • a whole subsection about mods
    • detailed subsection with some specific mods to highlight, like EB on TW Org
    • Frogbeastegg's guides as a Wiki page?
    • videos from content creators? Org creators?


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