I don't think we've ever had one of these. May as well give it a try. The idea is simple: say what you're playing, what it's on, and what you think. Progress is optional.

Currently playing:
PS2: Shadow Hearts. About half way after 10 hours. Quite a good RPG, this. A bit different to the usual JRPG; it's got a dark atmosphere, a good(!) random encounter rate, and an interesting battle system which requires concentration and more participation from the player than blindly hitting attack over and over.

Wii: Red Steel. Still dawdling through the opening. Fun. Over the top action movie silliness with great controls.

PSP: Lord of the Rings: Tactics. I've got about 2 hours of play recorded; I'm only playing on my lunch hour when I don't want to read a book. It's nice enough, the missions are bitsized so I can typcially play two per lunch break.

And I am going to finish one of them before I so much as try another game! Even if I get new ones. Even though I don't get much playtime, so it takes ages to finish anything. No more flitting from game to game: I'm going to finish what I start, either playing till the end or until I have had enough and am no longer enjoying myself.