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Thread: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

  1. #1
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    This is a monthly updated catalog of every Interactive History currently running and those which have been alive (and since died) since 2007. I'll try and keep this up-to-date - but if you have any complaints, suggestions or comments about the IH's feel free to post. This thread has been given a shakeup since its four years old and showing it.

    Recently Begun Interactive Histories
    Currently Active Games
    Franconicus's - The Invisible Enemy
    A World War 2 naval game from a longtime writer which recounts and follows the Battle of the Atlantic from the Allied perspective. Does not require you to join up - just and go and contribute your opinion and thoughts and have a good game!
    The Invisible Enemy IH Thread

    Vladimir Fred-nin's - The Blue and the Grey
    The first game from TWC refugee Vladimir it gives players command of a corps during the American Civil War. Vladimir promises it to be a bloody game so go over and sign up for a position!
    The Blue and the Grey IH Thread

    We're running a it low on games lately so a appeal from me - have a go! Go ahead and host a game, see how it works and goes. Even if you think your a rubbish writer it doesn't matter. Yes we're that desperate! Also try and get the word out there, as I believe these games have universal appeal to any game player, history lover or writer in general!

    The Ol' Archive

    Finished Interactives
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Finished Interactives From 27th of June 2007
    A - F

    Baby Boomer's - Religious Wars - A Desperate World
    A new IH made by a new person in the CH, Religious Wars starts at 1540, and is set in a Alternate Europe. Two Chapters and 9 members so far, promises to be a good game.
    Religious Wars - A Desperate World IH Thread

    Franconicus's- Red Flood
    Read it too find out what happened!

    Franconicus's - Concert of Europe
    Anno Domini 1815: after a long and devastating serial of wars, campaigns and battles Napoleon is defeated. The victorious sovereigns meet to restore order at the Conference of Vienna.
    Concert of EUrope IH thread

    F - M

    Kagemusha's - Sengoku Jidai: Japanese Interactive History
    Kagemusha, also a new IH maker, has made this interactive set on Japans times from 1530. A popular fanbase, and dedicated maker, this one is destined for good things.
    Sengoku Jidai IH Thread

    LegioXXXUlpiaVixtrix's- 17th Century
    Legio has put this one on pause, he is too busy. If you want a good read, go through the Chapters (Links at bottom of page)

    Marshal Murat's - Persian Civil War
    A Kraxis style interactive about the Persian Civil war of 432 BC. You take command of Xerxes II, and fight for the right to rule as King of Kings.
    Persian Civil War Thread

    Warluster's- WW1 Interactive
    Been underway for a while now, has went through a few periods of deadness, untill Warluster (me) quit, and Motep took over. In process of getting running again.
    About- WW1
    Where to join- Just post in the thread for any open nations

    M - Z

    Rhyfelwyr's - Rise of the Capetians
    It is the year of our Lord 987 AD. Only fragments of the Carolingian dynasty of West Francia remain. On the 3rd of July Hugh Capet was proclaimed as "rex Francorum" at Noyon in Picardy. Unlike previous Carolingian monarchs, Hugh was elected by the nobles of France, justified at the coronation by the words of Adalberon: "Crown the Duke. He is most illustrious by his exploits, his nobility, his forces. The throne is not acquired by hereditary right; no one should be raised to it unless distinguished not only for nobility of birth, but for the goodness of his soul."
    Rise of the Capetians IH THread

    seignthelas's - Germany Interactive History
    The year is 1100. Germany is still only a number of splintered states, constantly vying for supremacy over each other. Even the power of the Holy Roman Empire wasn't enough to unite the monarchs of the principalities.Your role in the beginning is a simple person among the common folk (Taken from intro by seignthelas thread)
    Germany IH Signup Thread

    seignthelas's - Romance of The Three Kingdoms
    194 AD. In the waning years of the Han Dynasty, a ruthless dictator by the name of Dong Zhuo had seized power over the Court and held it with an iron fist. However, the people and officers under Dong's rule were undeniably outraged by his exploits.
    Romance of The Three Kingdoms IH THread

    Tran's - NATO- Warsaw Pact Conflict
    A intresting new interactive history game set in 1965. Tran has put much thought into it, and has done his research. many new things, and new ideas brought forward, a very promising game.
    NATO-Warsaw Pact IH Thread

    And a bit of Chapter House nostalgia...

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Legios 17th Century Interactive Is Massive, and the thread is overflowing. Many see it time to open an new thread, but want an good directory to all chapters. In these spoilers are links to every single chapter in the 17th Century Interactive. If you wish this to be done with your interactive, please say.
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3-You may have to go down the page to see it as its on the same page as Chapter 2
    Chapters 4 and 5-Please scroll down the page for Chapter 5
    Chapter 6 Post #150
    Chapter 7- post #227
    Chapter 8post #301
    Chapter 9 post #420
    Chapter 10- post #539
    Chapter 11-Post #632
    Chapter 12 - Post #768
    Chapter 13 Post #925

    Last edited by Warluster; 03-28-2011 at 05:27. Reason: Updating List

  2. #2
    Guest Stig's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Add mine to the list, I just haven't got the time to write a chapter now, it's still active, but I need about 2 hours to write a proper chapter, time I didn't have for the last month since I had my exams, they are over now, so next week I should be able to write another chapter again.

  3. #3
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    What is the name of your interactive?

  4. #4
    Guest Stig's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    this is it, it has been inactive since Christmas as I was busy then and my exams started directly after

  5. #5
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Great idea, warluster! Although it will be some work to keep the list updated. Some interactive sleep for quite a while.

    Although I have my own active IA, and am strongly involvoed in Legio's, I have already an idea for a new one. But there is still a long way of preparation and planning

  6. #6
    American since 2012 Senior Member AntiochusIII's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Due to the nature of some Interactives, I think story-driven "Kraxis-classical" ones should have at least 2, or 3 months limit before being put into inactive mode and dropped from the list -- King Henry's magnificent English one takes a long time between each chapter, for example. They are subject entirely to the author's whim and write-ups between each chapter will take time.

    Multiplayer ones, due to their nature, should be around 1 month or even 2 weeks limit before being dropped into inactive, except may be the full blown interactives like 17th Century where outsiders don't know about the behind-the-scene games being played between players and could've taken longer.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I am going to be starting a Kraxis style interactive about the ACW in a week or so. It will follow Lee and the Army of North Virgina, starting just after Chancellorsville.
    When it occurs to a man that nature does not regard him as important and that she feels she would not maim the universe by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temple, and he hates deeply the fact that there are no bricks and no temples
    -Stephen Crane

  8. #8
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    There is a list of interactives in the Mead Hall Library (link in my signature). However, since I am not as active here as I used to be, it may not be entirely up to date.
    Looking for a good read? Visit the Library!

  9. #9
    Kanto Kanrei Member Marshal Murat's Avatar
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    Post Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I'm making one about 480's Civil War in Carthage.
    "Nietzsche is dead" - God

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    Re: Pursuit of happiness
    Have you just been dumped?

    I ask because it's usually something like that which causes outbursts like this, needless to say I dissagree completely.

  10. #10
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I have once again updated the list!

  11. #11
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I want to host one, but I dont have a clue to what about?

    Maybe we should ask for ideas.

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    It's you I love

  12. #12
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Just go with the era you know the most about.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

  13. #13
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Quote Originally Posted by Caius Flaminius
    I want to host one, but I dont have a clue to what about?

    Maybe we should ask for ideas.

    What are your preferences?

  14. #14
    Lord Saika Magoichi Member Seign Thelas's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    You can put mine up there, not sure if it's considered an interactive history, though.

  15. #15
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Sorry, hadn't updated this for 'bout a month. I shall update it soon, yes yours is considered a interactive history, don't worry.

  16. #16
    Holy Roman Emperor Member Frederick_I_Barbarossa's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Wish someone would sticky this
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  17. #17
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    THe list is updated with latest games.

  18. #18
    The Real Ad miN Member Tran's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Quote Originally Posted by Warluster

    Tran's - NATO- Warsaw Pact Conflict
    A intresting new interactive history game set in 1985....
    Actually it is set in 1964
    Medieval 2: Total War Guide to Traits and Retinue
    "Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution." - Khalil Gibran

    World War 3 erupted in mid-1960's: NATO - Warsaw Pact Conflict multiplayer Interactive, choose one from several available countries

  19. #19
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Whoopsie, am changing now. Thanks for telling me.

  20. #20
    Join the ICLADOLLABOJADALLA! Member IrishArmenian's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I believe there is one part of a description missing: 17th century is not described as "Epic" anywhere.

    "Half of your brain is that of a ten year old and the other half is that of a ten year old that chainsmokes and drinks his liver dead!" --Hagop Beegan

  21. #21
    One easily trifled with Member Target Champion Motep's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Once WWI is finished, i will be starting a mystery interactve. WOOOoooOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo
    TosaInu shall never be forgotten.

  22. #22
    Humanist Senior Member Franconicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Franconicus's- Red Flood
    Set in 1940, and about an German Officer. An gripping an exciteing story, this one has regular updates.
    - done -

  23. #23
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Updated List.

  24. #24
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Updated List.

  25. #25
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Updated List.

    Also, do you have any suggestions to mkae this list better? Or perhaps more informing? if so, please suggest, as I am looking to make this list more informative, and would like to know what everyone else what want to see!

  26. #26
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I would clean it out a bit, for example remove the Abandoned option until there is something to put there and combine the Paused and Done options.

    I also think it would be a good idea to create links to each game and the stickied thread of what to do when you are thinking of starting an interactive.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

  27. #27
    Member Member Derfasciti's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Is there a way we can get this thread stickied? Assuming it is updated often enough, it's value will be priceless for new players and new comers to the board.
    First Secretary Rodion Malinovsky of the C.P.S.U.

    12th Century Glory!

    "I can do anything I want, I'm eccentric! HAHAHA!"-Rat Race

    Do you think the Golden Rule should apply to masochists as well?

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  28. #28
    Guest Stig's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Tarrak (Kraxis) has gone missing, last time I saw him was a long time ago on TeamSpeak, March I think it was. We just have to update it every now and then.
    Last edited by Stig; 07-27-2007 at 23:04.

  29. #29
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    I agree with Derasciti.

    I also thought of something. Do you think you could divide the Interactives up into they type of interactives they are?

    EDIT: Also, a summary of what has happened so far would be great, but would probably have to be provided by the person doing the Interactive.
    Last edited by CountArach; 07-27-2007 at 23:07.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

  30. #30
    Still warlusting... Member Warluster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The List of Current interactives and ones to be made

    Sure, thanks for the suggestions! I will get to work now.

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