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Thread: City Mod

  1. #301

    Default Re: City Mod

    Thanks, that answered my questions.

    as for questions 4 and 5, I removed them and forgot to renumber 6. I figured out those obviously, but can not remember what they were. ha.

    I assumed that problems would arise with old game saves, so whenever I plan on starting a new faction, I'll make sure to apply this mod. Unfortunately, I'm working at the one I'm on.

    I'll check out the file to see the changes per city, but which building bonuses are changed, if you can list those? I can figure it out after adding the mod, which I guess may add to the experience.

    Thanks again. Great mod.

    I'll let you know if any CTDs arise from adding this mod whenever I start a new game, in hopes of improving it.

  2. #302
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by thecellarlife View Post
    if any CTDs arise from adding this mod whenever I start a new game, in hopes of improving it.
    I've been using this mod since it was adapted to EB 1.2 and I haven't got a single CTD.
    The only problem that may arise with this mod is getting the March of Time reforms, as you can see on the previous two pages.

    Indeed, MAA made a great mod. I can't play EB without it.

    --> - Never near Argos - <--

  3. #303

    Default Re: City Mod

    I'm around 230 BC with Saba after starting a new game, and no CTDs so far. Sometimes the units blink in battles though, but I think that may just be that particular faction as I think I've seen something about it on here.

  4. #304

    Default Re: City Mod

    Hi. Is City Mod compatible with EAEM.

  5. #305

    Default Re: City Mod

    version a.

    the construction of 'city', 'large city', and 'huge city' to "civilized" factions. which factions are those?

    version b.

    what "barbarian" factions are restricted? can i please have a list of the factions.

    Thanks! i think it's time to switch to version a if there are no more barbarians left in my current game. i'm so sick of looking at small towns and huts. lol...

  6. #306
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    Casse, Aedui, Arverni, Lusotann, Sweboz, Getai, Sauromatae and Saka.

    If all your barbarians are death, than you already have version a, since all non barbarian faction are the same in version a as they are in version b.

    --> - Never near Argos - <--

  7. #307
    Member Member anubis88's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    One quick question. Since i haven't played EB for almost half a year couse i lacked challenge, does this mod make the game harder or easier for the human player?
    Europa Barbarorum Secretary

  8. #308
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod


    Harder: less developed cities, slower population growth, less people to recruit.
    Easier: higher public order overall, so your empire can be bigger, although you must take care not to overexpand too fast, since your cities build up quite slow.
    Last edited by Mediolanicus; 09-25-2009 at 16:20.

    --> - Never near Argos - <--

  9. #309
    Member Member anubis88's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    Thanks for the quick answer. How about the AI? how doest it handle the a and b versions? Does it stop it from spamming so much? any other gameplay change?
    Europa Barbarorum Secretary

  10. #310
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    I don't see any real difference in the recruitment behaviour of the AI.

    The AI builds up cities fast(er than you). And does not send you endless stacks of light levies.

    --> - Never near Argos - <--

  11. #311
    Member Member Alexandros_III's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    If we ever feel like playing as a barbarian faction can we just switch back and forth at will?
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  12. #312
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod


    Just switch the files.

    --> - Never near Argos - <--

  13. #313

    Default Re: City Mod

    HI is there some quick way when you start the game to check if you have the Mod installed correctly.

  14. #314
    EB TRIBVNVS PLEBIS Member MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    Click on a city and then click the building browser. See if your common cities can upgrade only to "Minor City" level, while the more important cities will be able to upgrade to "Large City" or "Huge City". If all cities can become "Huge City" than the mod was not installed. If all cities can only become "Large Town" than the mod was installed incorrectly.

  15. #315
    Member Member Alexandros_III's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    How do I give certain cities the ability to become larger? Long ago I asked about Athens and Jerusalem, but nobody seems to have done much. How do I change this?
    What time does not pervert, it destroys outright.
    From this we may conclude that there are no eternal truths, no limitless passions.
    There are only subtle deceptions.

    ~My brother's new book.

  16. #316

    Default Re: City Mod

    Will EBII have realistic caps on town/city population sizes or will this endeavor require a new sub-mod all over again?
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  17. #317

    Default Re: City Mod

    I like this mod very much. I like playing barbarian factions with the 'civilised' game files, so my own faction is crippled!

    I feel this kind of helps me roleplay that not a lot of warriors are available to me, as the High King, at any one time. My ostensibly unified faction is actually a lot of separate tribes, all of which spend most of their time killing each other in petty tribal conflicts, so they don't provide me with many troops. And not a lot of taxes either.

    'My' royal army is only those warriors assigned to the service of the High King - the local chieftains keep many warriors back for 'local' defence (and attacking their neighbours!) And I can't stop the local chieftains from doing this, or they will revolt against my overlordship, and I don't want that. So I have to put up with a weak central government, a weak central army, and a poor central treasury. Most of my faction's wealth is in the hands of the local chieftains, where I can't use it.

  18. #318
    Megas Moose Member Moosemanmoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    I've just realised I've never shown any gratitude for this mod!

    Thanks MAA!!
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  19. #319

    Default Re: City Mod

    Is this mod supposed to cap population growth, or population? For ex Taras is at 13000 and since I can't build a proconsuls place squalor seems to go up. Did I not install this correctly? I know I can use pop cheat but that would be really annoying not to mention it would effect the AI (I think).

    btw I really hope the EB team uses this idea for EB2.

  20. #320
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    This mod gives only a few cities the chance to get huge, a limited number the chance to get large (see post 1). So, everything is alright with your game, this is a feature, not a bug. ;)


    BTW: Welcome to the forum!

    1.2 fixes - Updated regularly. Latest news from 2009-02-01.
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  21. #321

    Default Re: City Mod

    thanks for the reply!

    so what your saying is that I'm just SOL when it comes to not having to use the pop cheat to keep my squalor down?

  22. #322
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    IMO this adds a good point to the game, it is now harder to get a decent population and high taxes.
    Build as many health buildings as you can, plus build schools in big towns so your governors can gain good traits and ancillaries to boost growth. Otherwise, yes you are stuck with that, but this is the feature of this mod.


    1.2 fixes - Updated regularly. Latest news from 2009-02-01.
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  23. #323
    Misanthropos Member I of the Storm's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    A small technical advice to those who have changed Capua/Campania to become a Huge city because of the 'March of Time' trigger conditions. The advice in this thread said to simply add this resource (huge) in the regions file and delete the map.rwm. This is correct. In case you are starting EB with the 'Play Single Player'-Launcher the game provides you with, it is necessary to delete the map.rwm in the 'sp game edu backup' folder as well. You will get an error while starting but the game will load fine. Just copy the newly generated map.rwm into this folder and everything will be fine again and Capua (or whatever city you have changed) will be able to become huge.
    It took me half an hour to figure out why my changes didn't apply , so I just thought I'd share this with you.
    Have fun.

  24. #324

    Default Re: City Mod

    Hi..., my first post here. Have just started on a campaign - as the Casse - on Europa Barbororum, and love it. I was looking for mods that might make things even more realistic, historically, and this one caught my eye. Now, I know that this will make my job as a faction leader of the Casse very, very difficult indeed..., and one of the more recent posts outlines that. But, that pretty much describes how the tribes of the Gauls were run.

    What I was wondering was, while this historical depiction is fine, it strikes me that this same scenario (many smaller tribes all infighting, turning against the central power etc.) could easily describe the early state of Rome. So, would it be possible to have some sort of 'trigger', a level of factional control, that then allowed a barbarian culture to begin city building?

  25. #325
    Guitar God Member Mediolanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    You can always Roleplay. Wait with real city building until an event happens in your campaign that makes you think that the time of city building has arrived.

    --> - Never near Argos - <--

  26. #326

    Default Re: City Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Mediolanicus View Post
    You can always Roleplay. Wait with real city building until an event happens in your campaign that makes you think that the time of city building has arrived.
    Of course....., the simplest option is always the best. But I was thinking more in terms of using the City Mod to make sure that the likes of the Sweboz or the Arverni don't turn out as great city-states...

    Having not played the game for very long, does this tend to happen? If not then there is no issue anyways..., I suppose the Roman threat - and their own in-fighting - would tend to keep their populations low.

  27. #327

    Default Re: City Mod

    A great minimod. But is there a list that shows which cities can reach which levels?

  28. #328

    Default Re: City Mod

    Anyway, I made it by myself, here's the list:


    Alexandreia - Delta Neilou
    Terhazza - Eremos
    Roma - Latium
    Seleukeia - Mesopotamia
    Persepolis - Persis
    Antiocheia - Syria
    Kart-Hadast - Zeugitana


    Babylon - Babylonia
    Arvernotorg - Gergovia
    Athenai - Attike
    Baktra - Baktria
    Mastia - Bastetania
    Capua - Campania
    Camulosadae - Cassemorg
    Taksashila - Gandhara
    Sarmiszegethusa - Getia Koile
    Armavir - Hayasdan
    Memphis - Heptanomis
    Sparte - Lakonike
    Sardis - Lydia
    Pella - Makedonia
    Ekbatana - Media
    Bibracte - Mrogaedu
    Sinope - Paphlagonia
    Swebotraustastamnoz - Swebolandam
    Syracuse - Trinakrie


    All other settlements can reach minor city level

  29. #329
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: City Mod

    How do all other settlements reach minor city size? I've got Pergamon, Nikaia, Byzantion and Hallikarnassus, and they all seem to stop at large town. Pergamon is the only one close, it's got 10500 people but doesn't say when it reaches the next size.

    EDIT II: Had a message saying Byzantion had reached the next size. Only no new governor's building appeared in the construction roster. Is that intentional?

    Also, do the changes in size impact where you can build fleets? Seems I can only get mercantile ports so far. Looking desiringly across the water at Rhodos which already has a naval port, but not sure I really want a war with KH just so I can invade Krete.

    Come to think of it, I don't think I can invade Rhodos without my own ships! EDIT: Mytilene solved this problem, it had a naval port.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; 09-26-2010 at 00:55.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
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  30. #330

    Default Re: City Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    How do all other settlements reach minor city size? I've got Pergamon, Nikaia, Byzantion and Hallikarnassus, and they all seem to stop at large town. Pergamon is the only one close, it's got 10500 people but doesn't say when it reaches the next size.

    EDIT II: Had a message saying Byzantion had reached the next size. Only no new governor's building appeared in the construction roster. Is that intentional?

    Also, do the changes in size impact where you can build fleets? Seems I can only get mercantile ports so far. Looking desiringly across the water at Rhodos which already has a naval port, but not sure I really want a war with KH just so I can invade Krete.

    Come to think of it, I don't think I can invade Rhodos without my own ships! EDIT: Mytilene solved this problem, it had a naval port.
    Do you have the appropriate market building in order to upgrade the city centre building?
    Read about glory and decline of the Seleucid Empire... (EB 1.1 AAR)

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