Foot Archery Range TWS2

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Foot Archery Range
Construction Stats
Building Cost:
Turns to Build:
Build Tree Placement
Prerequisites: Archery Dojo, Way of the Bow
Allows: Bow Master Dojo
Units: Bow Warrior Monks+, Chosokabe Bow Warrior Monks+, Uesugi Bow Warrior Monks+,
Building Effects
Building Card:

Total War: Shogun 2 | Buildings
Level One Fort | Archery Dojo | Buddhist Temple | Encampment | Stables | Chapel | Market | Siege Engineers Workshop | Sake Den | Sword School | Yari Drill Yard | Rice Paddies | Artisans | Surface Gold Mine | Holy Site | Pastures | School | Iron Mine | Merchant Colony | Mountain Hideout | Blacksmith | Quarry | Lumber Camp | Trails | Coastal Village
Level Two Stronghold | Foot Archery Range | Monastery | Armoury | Barracks | Hunting Lodge | Jujutsu Dojo | Proving Grounds | Warhorse Stables | Mission | Rice Exchange | Powder Maker | Gambling Hall | No-Dachi Dojo | Naginata Dojo | Improved Irrigation | Fletchers | Paper Mills | Open Pit Gold Mine | Mountain Hermitage | Pilgrim Hostel | Horse Breeders | Library | Magistrate | Deep Iron Mine | Pirate Lair | Warehouses | Burakumin Village | Ninjutsu School | Armourer | Weaponsmith | Stonemason | Lumberyards | Roads | Harbour
Level Three Fortress | Bow Master Dojo | Temple Complex | Bajutsu Master Dojo | Church | Merchant Guild | Gunsmith | Criminal Syndicate | Sword Master School | Yari Master Dojo | Terrace Farming | Master Bowmaker | Laquerware Workshops | Gold Mining Complex | Fortified Monastery | Great Shrine | Warhorse Studs | Confucian Academy | Law Court | Iron Mining Complex | Pirate Fortress | Red Seal Company | Smuggling Network | Ninja Clan Fortress | Master Armourer | Master Weaponsmith | Stoneworks | Sawmills | Post Roads and Stations | Trading Port
Level Four Castle | Legendary Kyudo School | Famous Temple | Legendary Bajutsu School | Cathedral | Kabunakama | Arsenal | Infamous Mizu Shobai District | Legendary Kenjutsu School | Legendary Sojutsu School | Land Consolidation | Imperial Roads and Towers | Military Port | Nanban Trade Port
Level Five Citadel | Drydock | Nanban Quarter