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Thread: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

  1. #1
    Standing Up For Rationality Senior Member Ronin's Avatar
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    Default UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    well look at that....Orwell was just about 25 years off.

    on a funnier not...if they really try to keep a copy of every email sent it will be funny to see how long (couple of days?) it takes for their database to totally collapse from the sheer amount of data.
    Last edited by Ronin; 04-27-2009 at 17:23.
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  2. #2
    The Dam Dog Senior Member Sheogorath's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Oh boy, 4chan will have lots of fun with that one.

    I can imagine the number of emails that will be sent discussing how their BIN's are LADEN with EXPLOSIVEly good AIRPLANE models.

    Gotta lo-

    Tallyho lads, rape the houses and burn the women! Leave not a single potted plant alive! Full speed ahead and damn the cheesemongers!

  3. #3
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Often when people are faced with calamity they try to do everything else. This is displacement activity as if somehow doing all the washing and mowing the lawn will make the impending exam magically go away.

    When governments act in a similar manner it is rather disturbing. Wasting money and infringing liberties - great

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
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    The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter. Winston Churchill

  4. #4

    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Thankfully I doubt our government could ever get it to work, but it shouldn't be allowed.

    Does the government really need to know how much porn I watch or who I e-mail. Typical over reaction, punish everyone for the actions of a few.

    Next they'll be wanting to ban supermarkets from selling vodka on offer to stop the small percentage of the population that are jakies from getting drunk and causing trouble with no thought to the normal people who just like a drink in the privacy of their own homes.
    Last edited by Ja'chyra; 04-28-2009 at 11:50.

  5. #5
    Relentless Bughunter Senior Member FactionHeir's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    I didn't know the gvt loved spam so much.
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    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
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  7. #7
    Things Change Member JAG's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic


    GARCIN: I "dreamt," you say. It was no dream. When I chose the hardest path, I made my choice deliberately. A man is what he wills himself to be.
    INEZ: Prove it. Prove it was no dream. It's what one does, and nothing else, that shows the stuff one's made of.
    GARCIN: I died too soon. I wasn't allowed time to - to do my deeds.
    INEZ: One always dies too soon - or too late. And yet one's whole life is complete at that moment, with a line drawn neatly under it, ready for the summing up. You are - your life, and nothing else.

    Jean Paul Sartre - No Exit 1944

  8. #8
    Senior Member Senior Member naut's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Not surprising, sounds like the average day at the Home Office.


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  9. #9
    Needs more flowers Moderator drone's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Actually, it's not Her Majesty's government that will be keeping the data, this is being forced on the ISPs (I think even the government knows how impossible/costly this will be). The end result will be higher costs for internet access and probably the elimination of smaller ISPs.
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  10. #10
    Nobody expects the Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    So would you Brits call this more or less invasive than the CCTV cameras everywhere? Seriously, when did you decide to turn your green and pleasant into a privacy-free zone?

  11. #11
    Arena Senior Member Crazed Rabbit's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Britain's governments have been pathetic on matters of individualism and privacy (and I'm not even talking about socialism) for decades.

    And the British people have let it happen.



    Ja Mata, Tosa.

    The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail; its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storm may enter; the rain may enter; but the King of England cannot enter – all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement! - William Pitt the Elder

  12. #12
    Hope guides me Senior Member Hosakawa Tito's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    I'm sure it's for their own good and they'll Yeah, that's the ticket, safer.
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  13. #13
    Things Change Member JAG's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazed Rabbit View Post

    GARCIN: I "dreamt," you say. It was no dream. When I chose the hardest path, I made my choice deliberately. A man is what he wills himself to be.
    INEZ: Prove it. Prove it was no dream. It's what one does, and nothing else, that shows the stuff one's made of.
    GARCIN: I died too soon. I wasn't allowed time to - to do my deeds.
    INEZ: One always dies too soon - or too late. And yet one's whole life is complete at that moment, with a line drawn neatly under it, ready for the summing up. You are - your life, and nothing else.

    Jean Paul Sartre - No Exit 1944

  14. #14
    This comment is witty! Senior Member LittleGrizzly's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Britain's governments have been pathetic on matters of individualism and privacy (and I'm not even talking about socialism) for decades.

    And the British people have let it happen.

    It was/is to keep us safe from terrorists immigrants fraudsters and then all other kinds of nasty people if you include the internet...apparently. They were appealing to the fear vote....

    Its funny that your not talking about socialism because neither are new labour
    In remembrance of our great Admin Tosa Inu, A tireless worker with the patience of a saint. As long as I live I will not forget you. Thank you for everything!

  15. #15
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    BB makes doubleplussafe Airstrip One.

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  16. #16
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Stories out of the UK always make me feel better about America for a few minutes, before I remember that we're just slower than you guys...

  17. #17
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander the Pretty Good View Post
    Stories out of the UK always make me feel better about America for a few minutes, before I remember that we're just slower than you guys...
    Housing crisis? You beat us.
    Banking meltdown? Something of a draw.
    Sidestepping Habeus Corpus? You've paved the way for the last decade or so. We're only just catching up.
    Litigous state of mind? A disease we caught of you lot.
    Foreign aggression? You led, we followed.

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
    Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
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    If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
    The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter. Winston Churchill

  18. #18
    Corporate Hippie Member rasoforos's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    The tendency to flirt with anything Orwellian seems deeply rooted into the UK collective psyche.

    I am not sure why and for the life of me I never found out but it would always use to make me wonder why such freedom loving people do not go berserk when their liberties are being questioned.
    Αξιζει φιλε να πεθανεις για ενα ονειρο, κι ας ειναι η φωτια του να σε καψει.

  19. #19
    This comment is witty! Senior Member LittleGrizzly's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    I can give you my theory...

    Firstly the CCTV camera's.... i was reading up on this recently...

    It appears CCTV got its first big success in the UK when the Bulger murder happened (2 10-13 year olds took a young boy and murdered him brutally) the murderers were caught thanks to some grainy CCTV footage. Not long after this the goverment offered grants to local councils that wanted CCTV camera's and thier numbers shot up, i think alot of councils saw it as a good preventative measure and a good way to solve crimes that after the original setup costs is fairly cheap to operate...

    They saw it as a cheap way to reassure some people and a good way to collect evidence...

    Most of the more recent stuff ID cards, and this kind of thing... is New Labour trying to appeal to more right wing minded voters, being tough on crime and the strong man is usually more a position associated with tory goverments but this Labour goverment has throughout its time in power (and since the early 90's under Kinnock) made a determined effort to seem as right wing as possible whilst still remaining the left wing party by default, this is how they have so successfully stayed in power since '97...

    The problem is alot of natural labour voters, mainly left wingers are attached to the labour party due to the fact they have always been labour voters, they are/were the natural party of left wingers and appear less evil than those nasty torys to the left wing voter. On top of this they go for big bold right wing policys so the type of people scared of crime, terrorism and immigration can see the goverment is doing something about it, and it stops the tory's making the claim they are tougher on crime...

    All of this combined with the fact that immigration and terrorism seem to be terrifying world ending things for some that they would happily give up thier civil liberties in exchange for...

    Also it really doesn't help that the only party who does fight the civil liberties corner is our 3rd largest party... which is far small than the 2 major ones and doesn't seem like its going to improve that position any time soon...
    In remembrance of our great Admin Tosa Inu, A tireless worker with the patience of a saint. As long as I live I will not forget you. Thank you for everything!

  20. #20
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    If you want no help from your MP state that you're a die hard voter for them. They then know you're in the bag and your views can be ignored.

    As you point out, the two groups to get are the undecided and the other lot's voters. As long as you win more accross than you alienate you're quids in.

    In Yes Prime Minister the discussion on getting Trident was as you say with CCTV - false reassurance. Somehow having some massively expensive weaponry we're all safer and so defence is Sorted Out.

    CCTV I think is OK. It is in public areas and although I do not feel that this is instead of a police presence it is a useful adjunct.

    ID cards could be - provided the scheme is though out by bright people - be a good thing. Sadly it wasn't so it'll be a wasteful mess.

    IF ID cards could replace several others this could be useful. If it could include very important encrypted medical information - this would be useful.

    Terrorism / Immigration and the deaths of children will mean that the herd won't bat an eyelid until everyone is GPS tagged with a C4 charge.

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
    Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
    "If you can't trust the local kleptocrat whom you installed by force and prop up with billions of annual dollars, who can you trust?" Lemur
    If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
    The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter. Winston Churchill

  21. #21
    Swarthylicious Member Spino's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by rory_20_uk View Post
    Foreign aggression? You led, we followed.

    Hello, McFly! British Empire? HELLO?!?

    British Empire circa 1930's...
    "Why spoil the beauty of the thing with legality?" - Theodore Roosevelt

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  22. #22
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    History is it?? I was thinking a bit more modern that that.

    Well, if you really want to rub it in, the Brits invaded America in the first place...

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
    Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
    "If you can't trust the local kleptocrat whom you installed by force and prop up with billions of annual dollars, who can you trust?" Lemur
    If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
    The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter. Winston Churchill

  23. #23
    Part-Time Polemic Senior Member ICantSpellDawg's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    The rights of the masses were never a concern of the British Government. Most of the rights that common Britons historically had they only had because it strengthened the rights of the non-royal landowners and created a populist buffer zone. The wealthy protected themselves from the intrusion of royalty and, in order to make the case, used the commoner as a rationale.

    The current British system's egalitariansim is more accident than intent. This is not necessarily bad, my only suprise is that a nation that lacks a meaningful or written Constitution doesn't do this stuff more often.
    Last edited by ICantSpellDawg; 05-02-2009 at 15:02.
    "That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."
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    "If the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court...the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned the government into the hands of that eminent tribunal."
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  24. #24
    TexMec Senior Member Louis VI the Fat's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re : UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Whether her Brittanic Majesty's subjects appreciate it or not, Europe will force freedom on Britain.

    UK faces court for failing to enforce EU privacy laws

    The European commission has launched legal proceedings against the UK government for alleged breach of EU data protection laws caused by controversial internet advertising company Phorm.

    Telecoms commissioner Viviane Reding said UK law will have to change to ensure the confidentiality of communications by prohibiting interception and surveillance without a user's consent.
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  25. #25
    Old Town Road Senior Member Strike For The South's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by Louis VI the Fat View Post
    Whether her Brittanic Majesty's subjects appreciate it or not, Europe will force freedom on Britain.
    1066 and 2009. Once agian France saves the Anglos. Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!
    There, but for the grace of God, goes John Bradford

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  26. #26
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    My Saxon ancestors (if there were such in England at the time :P) would take issue with that.

  27. #27
    BrownWings: AirViceMarshall Senior Member Furunculus's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazed Rabbit View Post
    Britain's governments have been pathetic on matters of individualism and privacy (and I'm not even talking about socialism) for decades.

    And the British people have let it happen.
    agreed, we are responsible for this mess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly
    Also it really doesn't help that the only party who does fight the civil liberties corner is our 3rd largest party... which is far small than the 2 major ones and doesn't seem like its going to improve that position any time soon...
    the lib-dems have a very spotty record on that account, they are very nanny'ish on many matters and a little libertarian on others, some might call it schizophrenic as the left vs libertarian elements struggle for dominance of the party.
    Furunculus Maneuver: Adopt a highly logical position on a controversial subject where you cannot disagree with the merits of the proposal, only disagree with an opinion based on fundamental values. - Beskar

  28. #28
    Standing Up For Rationality Senior Member Ronin's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    EU Parliament fighting the good fight for once

    EU Parliament rejects Telecom bill
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  29. #29
    Coffee farmer extraordinaire Member spmetla's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    AI will likely be the tool used to sort through the overwhelming amount of data to comb. It's sorta like the CCTV system they have, good in theory but it requires people watching the CCTV to be effective.

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    Four stage strategy from Yes, Minister:
    Stage one we say nothing is going to happen.
    Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it.
    Stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there's nothing we can do.
    Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could have done, but it's too late now.

  30. #30
    Backordered Member CrossLOPER's Avatar
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    Default Re: UK Government looks to monitor all internet traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by spmetla View Post
    AI will likely be the tool used
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