In Japan 500 years ago,
a young man began his journey from Kyoto.
Little did he know,
the brutality of the outside world;
Much will he grow,
to cast Iga Ninja's darkest shadow.
His name was thousand miles,
This is my fourth story/AAR with the ORG. My inspiration comes from writing an almost RPG story from the eye of a single character, while making harmless parody of a certain famous religious group. I will try to make appropriate English adaptations to cater to the international readers and add some exclusive content.
Welcome suggestions and comments.
Clan: Hattori
Version: V1.1 5445 (Chapter 1-11), 5520 (Chapter 12-)
Difficulty: Legendary
Length: Domination
MODS: None
DLC: Hattori, Ikko-Ikki, Sengoku Jidai units, Blood Pack