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    Default M2TW FAQ and Strategy Tips


    This thread is for Citadel frequently asked questions and for a compilation of strategy tips. Members are invited to use this thread to:
    (a) ask or answer any important gameplay questions not answered in the manual;
    (b) to post tips and strategies.
    To avoid repetition, links to other posts and threads are welcome. No modding or multiplayer questions, though - we have other forums for those.

    I will try to maintain the first post, although no promises. I apologise in advance but I am not going to religiously attribute every answer to a specific member, although I will if a particularly memorable substantive post stands out.


    Chapter 1: Combat
    1.1…………….. How to use the various combat arms
    1.2…………….. Special attacks and formations
    1.3…………….. Sieges
    1.4…………….. After the battle

    Chapter 2: Managing your kingdom
    2.2……………..Managing unrest and the economy
    2.3……………..Training and recruitment

    Chapter 3: Characters and agents
    3.3…………….. Princesses
    3.4…………….. Assassins
    3.5………….. …Spies
    3.6…………….. Merchants
    3.7…………….. Priests
    3.8…………….. Inquisitors
    3.9…………….. Miscellaneous Agents

    Chapter 4: Specific historical aspects of the campaign
    4.1…………….. The Pope
    4.2……………..Crusades and jihads
    4.3…………….. The Mongols and Timurids
    4.4…………….. The Plague
    4.5…………….. Gunpowder units
    4.6…………….. America

    Chapter 5: Settings
    5.4……………..Useful links

    Chapter 1: Combat

    Chapter Sub-headings:
    1.1…………….. How to use the various combat arms
    1.2…………….. Special attacks and formations
    1.3…………….. Sieges
    1.4…………….. After the battle

    1.1…………….. How to use the various combat arms

    Q: I don't know what the heck I'm doing in regards to what units do what and what the unit stats are also. RTW is easier to understand than this era!

    A: What I recommend is pick your faction and start a campaign. Go to the building browser for a settlement and right click on the troop producing buildings. They will list what troops you can get at what level. If you right click on the unit, it will pull up the unit card with a full description and the key stats. That way you can see your entire unit line up and what buildings you need to get them.

    Beyond that, M2TW is not that dissimilar from other Total War games. For example, here’s a breakdown of the English roster.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    You have the following types:

    Missiles - pretty much the same as in RTW; for England in M2TW, these are a key strength.

    Swords - relatively more powerful than RTW, although I guess you could say armoured swordsmen are England's cohorts. Perfect for sieges (attacking or defending). Arguably the toughest units in the game.

    Polearms - AP heavy infantry without shields; higher attack, lower defence than swords. Good flankers.

    Spears - best for receiving a cavalry charge, but otherwise pretty lousy for England.

    Cavalry - devastating charge like RTW, but much less robust to counter-attack

    Artillery - I haven't played around much with these, but helps reduce losses in sieges: blast towers, units on walls etc before sending in the breaching parties.

    Within each category, just shoot for the best in class. This makes billmen pretty redundant, for example, when you have dismounted English knights. Purchase price may be a good summary statistic, as it is supposed to be balanced for MP.

    Other factions have more "exotic" (to English eyes) stuff - pikes, halberds, missile cav, skirmishing infantry etc. But most of that was in RTW.

    But to be honest, I would not worry about stats. Use the units as they should be used historically. (Then come back here and start grumbling when they don't perform as you expect... )

    Q: Where can I find a list of unit stats?

    A: R'as al Ghul has produced a comprehensive list here:

    Yas has created a nice tool here:

    Brandybarrel has created very nice printable pdfs (the FAUST) with unit stats:

    The FAUST v1.3 downloads:

    for the Kingdoms expansion (8MB, 40 pages):
    FileFront MediaFire

    for the Grand Campaign with Kingdoms Stats (5MB, 25 pages):
    Unit stats based on the Retrofit mod by Unspoken Knight (CA)
    (applicable to other mods or updates which incorporate similar data files)
    FileFront MediaFire

    for the Grand Campaign (5MB, 25 pages):
    FileFront MediaFire

    Q: Which stats matter and how much?

    A: In earlier Total War games, a good summary measure of unit combat effectiveness was their attack stat and their combined defence stat (armour+shield+defence skill). The chance to kill was driven by the difference between attack and defence stats, so each could be regarded as roughly of equal importance. In STW and MTW, a one point difference in the (attack - defence) differential led to an increase in the kill rate of about 20%. In RTW, the stats differed more and the corresponding increase was about 10%. In M2TW, we have no hard information yet but since the game uses a modified RTW engine, a 10% effect seems plausible.

    However, in M2TW (and also RTW), the attack animations of the units also play a role, so the stats alone do not tell the whole story. This was seen most visibly in 1.0 and 1.1 when many two handed units could not damage cavalry much due to their animations. Due to differences in the animations, some units may hit more rapidly than others.

    Beyond the attack and combined defence stats, the player should consider a range of other factors:
    - Unit size: as Stalin said, quantity has a quality all of its own.
    - Charge stat: this is particularly important for cavalry (it adds to their attack value if "charging" or if following through on a charge)
    - Morale: on VH, militia will often prove fragile due to low morale
    - The range, rate of fire and ammunition limit of any missiles
    - Unit speed (this is especially important for cavalry wanting to catch routing enemy cavalry, e.g. defeated generals!)
    - Armour piercing weapons: this may halve the effect of enemy armour.
    - Spears vs swords? Spears are more effective against cavalry, less effective against infantry.
    - Does the unit have a special formation? Phalanxes make pikes almost invulnerable to frontal melee attack on level ground. etc

    General's bodyguards have two hit points making them twice as hard to kill. They also regenerate losses between battles.

    In MP, the purchase price of the unit is the cost and should represent CA's assessment of the unit's overall combat effectiveness. However, in SP, upkeep is likely to have a much bigger effect on the overalll cost of a unit (providing surival prospect are not too grim). Upkeep is not closely tied to combat effectiveness and so some units are clear bargains (e.g. England's armoured swordsmen are more effective than the more expensive Dismounted Feudal Knights and cost about the same as far inferior militia).

    Q: What is the difference between armour, defence skill and shield?

    A: A unit's overall defence - if attacked frontally in melee - is the sum of its armour, defence skill and shield values. However, there are some differences in the way these three factors work.

    Armour and shield influence both melee and missile combat; defence skill affects only melee.

    The contribution of armour is reduced (halved?) if attacked by armour piercing weapons.

    The position of the attacker relative to the defender also affects the contribution of these three stats in different ways:

    Quote Originally Posted by Daveybaby
    You get 100% of the Shield defense at the front, and 50% at each side (nothing at the back).

    Defence Skill you get 100% at front and at each side, nothing at the back.

    Armour defence is 100% all round.

    Q: What is the "ultimate stack"?

    A: You tell us:

    Q: How should I deploy my troops? Archers at the front, cavalry on the flanks or what?

    A: Some suggestions about how to deploy various armies are here:

    Q: Can I dismount cavalry?

    A: Sadly, no. You can train "dismounted" units - like dismounted Feudal Knights - but not dismount mounted cavalry.

    Q: My cavalry attack without being described as "charging". How do I get off a good cavalry charge?

    A: Jason from CA has explained how charging works:

    Regarding the new charge mechanic, there are two charges available to a cavalry unit: a formed charge which allows for most of the unit to charge into a target; and an unformed charge which stops the charge after 10% of the soldiers within that unit have made contact with the target. In RTW this wasn’t as much of an issue because cavalry did not have long lances and as such did not require two significantly different charge abilities. The M2TW charge system allows you to have a very powerful charge if you do everything right and a light charge if you don’t.

    The triggers for a formed (powerful) charge include:

    Line up the cavalry parallel to the target
    Utilize a long straight run up toward the target
    Prioritize stationary targets as moving targets may result in a last second turn and reform

    The triggers for an unformed (weak) charge include:

    The unit is spread out just before charging
    The charge is issued while too close to the target
    The charge is issued when the unit isn’t facing the target
    The player changes direction just before the charge• The target moves and turns just before being hit

    Quote Originally Posted by Daveybaby
    In order to get a good charge going:
    (1) you need to have a decent sized gap between your cav and your target
    (2) Stop your cav to let them form up if need be (i.e. if youve had them running around).
    (3) Target your enemy, but WALK DONT RUN. If you run your charge will lose cohesion
    (4) Leave em to it. At the correct distance your cav will break into a charge.
    If youre defending against elite heavy cav or bodyguards with normal (i.e. non-spear etc) infantry then expect to get slaughtered. This is as it should be.
    Use spearmen and ensure theyre in guard mode, in formation, and NOT MOVING.
    For further advice on how to get off a good cavalry charge, read Hashashiyyin's tips:

    And yet more discussion here:

    Q: Which cavalry units are faster?

    A: According to tests by Dopp and CBR, there are three horse speeds:

    Fast: 630 metres/minute. (19% faster than normal)
    This covers fast ponies.
    Includes Alans, jinettes, stradiots, border horse, albanian light cavalry, most horse archers, Skys, Vards

    Normal: 530 metres/minute
    This covers heavy horses and ponies. Basically all horses that are not "fast ponies" and don't have any armour.
    Includes mailed knights, mercenary Frankish knights, demi-lancers, Latinkons, Byzantince cavalry, lancers, hobilars, Danish scouts, French mounted archers

    Slow: 420 metres/minute (21% slower than normal)
    This covers mailed, barded and armoured horses.
    Includes feudal and Chivalric knights, Italian men-at-arms, gendarmes, kataphracts. Sipahis?

    Fast cavalry will have that mentioned in their unit description. For slow cavalry, you have to look at the picture of the horse - it will have armour or be covered by barding.

    Note - there are also three infantry unit speeds: 157/215/255 metres per minute.

    Q: Which infantry units are faster?

    Quote Originally Posted by Miracle
    - May be incomplete; I did not test all infantry units
    - Does not take into account slowdown due to straggling or fatigue
    - The armour levels below refer to the base armour level, not what it can be upgraded to
    - Upgraded armour has no effect on speed

    Marching Speeds:
    • Very Slow
      - All spearwall polearm units
    • Slow
      - All pike units
    • Normal
      - All other infantry and missile infantry units

    Running Speeds:
    • Very Slow
      - Dismounted Gothic Knights
    • Slow
      - All infantry units with partial or full plate armour except Obudshaer
      - All 2H Sword units except DGK
    • Normal
      - Most infantry units
      - Most mid to upper-tier missile infantry units
      - All spearwall polearm units
    • Fast
      - All unarmoured missile infantry
      - All missile infantry with padded armour except Norse Archers
      - All gunpowder infantry except Handgunners
      - Aventuriers and Naffatun
      - Sudanese Tribesmen and Highlanders
      - Most Aztec infantry

    - It may be better to completely ignore DCK's in favor of DFK's. DFK's have better availability, faster running speed and lower recruitment price at the cost of only one armour point.
    - If cavalry is completely unavailable, infantry units with the “fast” running speed may be used to chase routing infantry, especially if they are “slow” or “very slow.”

    Q: What bonuses do spear and pike units get against cavalry?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl
    All spear and pike units get +8 attack against Cav, plus a further unspecified bonus from having the Spear Attribute.

    they also get an unspecified defense bonus vs. charging Cav from their spear attribute and an unspecified penalty vs. infantry from the same source.

    Based on the fact that (with fixed Shields or working pikes), many Cav seem to die on impact, I also suspect a reflected charge value.
    More detail here:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Carl
    The formed charge is NOT a push-back type effect at all. A Cav-man that impacts somebody will inflict an attack on them (how this is calculated is unclear). If they survive it and are directly in front of the Cav-man, (he can hit those to the side as he plows into a unit), the Cav man then sometimes drops dead so the man hit must always get a kind of free attack in. I'd guess spears/pike get to reflect charge too as they seem much more successful than their performance in general melee vs. Cav suggests they should be.based on the fact that Spears will also often kill an enemy charging Cav man even if he kills them I would also say it is probable that in addition to reflect charge giving a Cav bonus, it also gives the model with it a free attack back regardless of weather the Cav man kills him or not. I'm not 100% sure of how this works, but based on the functioning of various units I believe the free attack of the spearman and the attack of the formed Cav charge are resolved simultaneously for them, rather than the Cav man going first and the impacted infantryman, (if they are not a spearman/pikeman), getting a free attack back if the survive If the Cav man survives the free attack back, then he may be stopped or he may inflict another hit on the guy he has collided with and even get it reflected back again. This is probably where momentum comes in in M2TW, and probably also mass as it would be that that determines momentum. Naturally the attack and defense of both the charging Cav and defending soldier are considered in this, but high defense is far more important for receiving a charge than high attack. If your defense isn't above a particular value (varies with the type of attacking Cav), you haven't got a chance full stop of stopping them.

    A note on pikes: The formed charge effects seem to mostly rely on the Cav man hitting or passing extremely close to their target. Normally coming into contact with a targets weapon will also cause the model holding it to take a formed charge hit.

    However, this is not the case with pikes against Cav charges. In this case the Cav man does not inflict a hit on the pikeman, but the Pikeman does inflict a hit on the Cav man. It is also clear that even if the Cav man survives this hit, he will not inflict a hit on the pikes.

    On the other hand a Cav man that hits or passes very close to the pikemans actually body will inflict a hit on him. So it's clearly related to either the Spear-Wall or Long Pike attributes. I'll need to do more tests to confirm which attribute is responsible though.

    However it's clear that Cav that do a formed charge into braced pikes are unable to inflict any formed charge attacks on the pikemen despite being in contact with their weapons. However, it is equally clear that the pikes can hit the Cav, and with some kind of reflected attack, and that doing so, (if it doesn't kill the Cav), doesn't always stop him from continuing to count as charging.

    Most likely, (based on observational evidence), their is a line of code in either the spear wall formation or the long pike attribute that reads something like, "can_suffer_attacks_from_formed_charges=false" , and it is set to true for all other weapons, attributes, and circumstances. This would explain how the Cav can count as charging, whilst the pikemen still don't suffer any damage from it in a situation where for the effects of reflect charge they are in contact with the Cav.

    Extra Reflect charge info: it's quite clear from the fact that only pikes attacked head on and spears hit head on actually get to reflect the charge, (and that spears and pikes that are moving and thus holding their spears/pikes up in the air), that the reflect charge ability is localized to only affect enemy that come into contact with the units actual weapon, and not just those that come into contact with the unit whilst it has that weapon out.

    The defense bonus from spears appears to be quite large as fixed Spear militia with Gold Armour (base defense of about 14), are about as charge resistant as DFK (defense 21) so it looks like the bonus is about 50% extra to the defense score.

    Q: How do I use pikes? They keep switching to their swords and dying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetah
    ...during the fight you have to "remind" your pikes that they are pikes by swithcing off the spearwall function then -more or less- immediatly switching it on AND ordering them to attack.
    Note - there are "pike fix" mods that remove the sword, forcing the pikemen to use pikes all the time. However, these arguably make the pikemen too strong.

    Q: How should I use missile cavalry?

    A: Some tips from Doug-Thompson:

    Some key points:
    (a) unlike RTW, skirmishing cavalry have the "skirmish" mode switched back on automatically after they come out of melee. This reduces micromanagement.
    (b) The "Parthian shot" - shooting at a purusing unit - appears less deadly than in RTW.
    (c) Javelin armed cavalry have rather long ranges, although limited ammo makes switching off "fire at will" mode recommended.

    Doug is also working on a guide to missile cavalry units:

    Here are the boiled-down useful points:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug-Thompson
    1. Get to high ground.
    2. Know the enemy’s weak spots. Exploit them.
    3. Create cross fire.
    4. Don’t get pinned.
    5. Attack morale at least as much as units.
    6. If enemies aren’t dying, get closer.

    Now, thumbnail explanations of what those mean:

    1. Get to high ground. That’s self-evident. If there’s a hill you can get to and fire from, get there first with the most men. If the enemy holds high ground, find the gentlest slope and go up it instead of riding directly at them. Missile cavalry are among the fastest units in the game. Use that.


    2. Know the enemy’s weak spots. Exploit them. These spots are, in priority order:

    a. From the back.
    b. On the enemy’s “weapon hand,” his right flank. This matters less with units that have no shield, like peasants, but most units have shields.
    c. The other side, “shield side.”
    d. In front, from the “weapon” or right end. If you are in the enemy’s “2 o’clock” position, you get at least some of the raking effect.
    e. In front, “shield” end.
    f. Dead ahead.

    (See the link to enfilade fire below)

    Note that the ability of missile cavalry to get to those spots is its greatest advantage over missile infantry.


    3. Create cross fire. Shields can only face one direction at a time. Even shieldless, unarmored units present a smaller target when facing you. This is particularly true of horses and camels. This level of detail is apparently present in the game. Give units more than one direction to face. You will find that horses and camels make particularly inviting targets from the side. Also, see the tactics guide or this thread for an opinion on enfilade fire.


    4. Don’t get pinned. Battle map corners and sides are almost as big a threat as the enemy. Those borders are the anvil. The enemy is the hammer. Don’t get close to the anvil without a compelling reason, and keep a way of escape in mind. Also beware of getting one of your units surrounded and terrain obstacles like rivers or structures. See the main tactics thread.


    5. Attack morale at least as much as units. Nothing helps win a battle like a dead enemy general. Javelin cavalry are the best general-killers available. Also, note that having your missile cavalry behind and flanking units create big morale penalties for your opposition. Use it. If your melee units can rout one unit, the rest may soon follow.


    6. If enemies aren’t dying, get closer. Self-explanatory.

    Q: What is the rate of fire of missile units - e.g. longbows compared to crossbows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Hazard
    I tested how many volleys the different missile units could fire within a minute.

    English longbowmen = 6 volleys
    Genose crossbowmen(arbalest) = 3 volleys
    Crossbowmen = 3(almost 4) volleys
    Archer = 5(almost 6) volleys
    Composite archer = 5(almost 6) volleys

    This info gave me a pretty clear view of how the game mechanics work.
    1)Bows fire about twice as fast as crossbows.
    2) Theres almost no difference between different types of crossbow units.
    3)Theres almost no difference bewteen different types of archer units.
    Miracle has collected similar data:

    Quote Originally Posted by Miracle
    - The following states the average time in seconds between the start of the firing animation of an individual soldier or artillery piece
    - Gunpowder infantry are assumed to be in a two-rank dense line formation and in fire-by-rank mode
    - Flaming, exploding or rotting ammo have no effect on artillery firing rate
    - The larger the unit size, the more the firing rate may vary
    - In some cases an individual may skip a volley even though there is a target in range and in clear line-of-sight


    Javelin 19
    Bow 11/22
    Crossbow 17
    Naphtha Bomb 9
    Gun 32


    Javelin 9
    Bow 11.5
    Crossbow 14
    Jezail 13.5
    Pistol 14
    Elephant Gun 11
    Elephant Artillery 13.3


    Ballista 17.75
    Catapult 22
    Trebuchet 29
    Bombard 30
    Grand Bombard 30
    Cannon 20
    Culverin 20
    Basilisk 20
    Monster Bombard 26
    Mortar 23
    Serpentine 21.5
    Ribault 25.5
    Monster Ribault 30.5/88
    Rocket Launcher 41.5

    Here's a related test by Zpartan's:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Zpartan
    Did all tests on grassy plain in clear weather against Papal Guard. Always placed missle units 3 rows deep (don't know if that matters).

    1. Retinue Longbowmen(90) - missle 8
    1 minute = 5 volleys and 17 kills
    1 minute = 5 volleys and 16 kills

    2. Aventurier(90) - missle 14
    1 minute = 3 volleys and 12 kills
    1 minute = 3 volleys and 13 kills

    3. Janissary Musketeers - missle 17
    1 minute = 4 volleys and 38 kills
    1 minute = 4 volleys and 37 kills

    Dopp notes that Janissaries actually have a lower rate of fire, although this is masked by their reloading by ranks.

    Q: Are missiles more accurate in thinner formations?

    A: No, it makes no difference whether you spread them out in a thin line two wide, or form them up into a dense square:

    Note: missiles are affected by terrain, so sometimes a very narrow (deep) formation is more accurate as fewer men may be obstructed by terrain (e.g. use a column of archers to fire through a city gate).

    Q: Can crossbows fire over the heads of intervening friendly units?

    A: Yes, but their accuracy is so low, they are useless deployed like that. It is better to give them a clear shot.

    Q: Are missiles less accurate in night battles?

    A: Sadly, not:

    Quote Originally Posted by DVX BELLORVM
    I just did a simple test, fighting 4 day and 4 night battles. HRE pavise xbow vs English peasants, without any upgrades. All battles had the same conditions, grassy plain, VH difficulty, dry weather. In each battle the xbows fired three volleys to the approaching peasants.

    The results:
    DAY: 32 27 28 33 - Average:30
    NIGHT: 35 30 29 24 - Average:29.5

    edit: I forgot to mention that those are the numbers of soldiers killed in each battle

    Q: My archers don't do enough damage defending settlement walls - they fire high up into the air, rather than directly down to their targets. How can I fix this?

    A: Lusted proposes reducing the max angle to 45 in this thread:

    Q: How much ammunition do missile units have?

    Quote Originally Posted by SMZ
    Javelin Cavalry - 8
    Crossbow Cavalry - 30
    Archer Cavalry - 25
    Gun Cavalry - 20

    Javelins - 8
    Crossbows - 30
    Archers - 30
    Handguns - 20

    Q: How do I get my archers to stop firing?

    A: Hit "backspace" will cancel a fire order. Make sure "fire at will" is off, too.

    Q: How do I get units with a missile attack to enter a melee attack?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ars Moriendi
    Press "Alt" and right click (double right click if you want them to run to the destination).

    Q: How I use firearm units effectively? A lot of times, they would just reform and reform without doing anything.

    A: This may be a bug.

    Quote Originally Posted by Iposethequestionyoureturntheanswer
    ...deploying your gunpowder units in two ranks fixes the reforming problem for most gunners.

    Q: What is the best anti-personnel artillery?

    A: Some recommendations here:

    Q: Is there anyway to detach artillery crews from their war machines?

    A: Yes, ALT+click on an enemy will do this (it also happens automatically when they are out of ammo). This can be useful it you want to retreat the crews behind melee troops in the face on an AI attack. Selecting the crew and right clicking on their war machines will re-attach them. (This idea was originally suggested by Usurper on the forums).

    Q: How do I kill elephants?

    A: Missiles (esp. javelins) and artillery seem the safest bet:

    Q: How do I set waypoints on the battlefield?

    A: Hold down "shift" and right-click.

    1.2…………….. Special attacks and formations

    Q: How do I get my longbowmen to deploy stakes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nameless
    1. Stakes must be deployed during the Deployment Phase.
    2. Stakes cannot be placed on obstacles or hard surfaces like roads. You have to place stakes on soft ground. At least from what I have seen, I couldn't place stakes during a bridge battle since it was a road so I had to place it next to it.
    3. Cavalry running through will be instantly killed.
    4. Usually infantry running through will be slowed down.
    5. Cavalry can bypass stakes by walking through them.
    Note: Janissary and Lithuanian archers also get stakes.

    You can, of course, deploy the stakes, then move the archers back and replace them with decent melee infantry to guard the stakes.

    Q: When should I use the Cantabran circle formation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Katank
    It's useful only if you are getting hit hard by enemy missiles. Usually, with a large superiority in missiles of a pure HA army, it's better simply to sit in squares and flank with the units so your units sit in a circle around their army shooting. Multiple horse archers in circles collide with each other any how.

    Q: When should I use flaming arrows in a field battle?

    A: Flaming arrows have a larger effect on morale, but cause less casualties since they fire more slowly. Use them when you want to weaken the enemies morale (e.g. preparatory to a decisive melee), rather than just shoot them to death. The issue is discussed here:

    BigTex hypothesises, based on BI, that flaming arrows may be more accurate at night time (they are on by default in night battles). They may be less accurate in day time.

    Flaming arrows also seem to cause more casualties if they hit. They may be better to use against heavily armoured targets.

    Q: When is the schiltrom formation useful?

    A: It is a defensive formation against melee attack - it will not kill many enemies, but it should reduce casualties against a charge (perhaps especially from cavalry). It can be useful to deploy at the front, to take the initial hit of a charge. You can then send in other units kept in a second line to counter-attack the AI.

    Schiltroms seems particularly vulnerable to missiles. An effective tactic in BI was to menace AI spearmen with cavalry to induce them to form schiltrom and then shoot them down with your archers.

    1.3…………….. Sieges

    Q: Should I sit out a siege or launch an assault?

    A: Sitting out a siege reduces the number of tiresome siege battles you have to fight and also paces your expansion, perhaps producing a more challenging game since the AI has more time to build up. However, storming settlements may bring you closer to victory for the reasons RickooClan articulates:

    Quote Originally Posted by RickooClan
    I have read some guides which suggesting saving your troops by sitting out the siege but honestly i think that is a very bad move. The reasons are:

    1. Siege battle is the best place to clear out your low-tech troops such as militia which could give room to maintain better troops.

    2. Each settlement at least give you 700 forin per turn which could recruit 2~3 low tech troops. Lets say you sit for 5 turns on a sieging a settlement you actually lost 4~5k forin potential income. By comparing the cost of the troops you may lost in battle, it does not worth it. [You will only lost 40~100 militia men in early game by taking a settlement even on VH/VH, and they only cost around 700 forin.]

    3. Sitting on siege is a waste of your army force, especially for France you have lots of bother to defend.

    4. Time is important, the faster to take the settlement, the quicker you establish your power and develop your faction. At least this is true for France.

    Q: How can I set fire to rams and siege towers? They never burn!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maestro
    I always try to defend with at least 4-6 units of longbows or above and nearly always successfully burn anything that comes close.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forward Observer
    I'm playing Spain now, and although peasant archers ... in sufficient quantities they have also managed to set fire to well over half of the rams and towers that they have come up against.

    I also park a unit of my best melee troops in the space between the gate towers in such situations. I don't think the area is wide enough for archers to be that effective, but a melee unit is fairly safe there and will be well positioned to rush to the walls on either side of the gate towers as the need arises.

    Q: Can I re-use ladders and siege equipment, e.g. after taking down the outer wall?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pickled Gecko
    You can re-use ladders. You just need to wave your cursor around the bottom of one of the ladders until it turns into a hand cursor; the same one that lets you pick up the ram. For some reason my screengrab doesn't show my cursor, so I've added some arrows to show you where to put your cursor.

    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    ...ladders and rams can move through gateways. In addition, I have managed to move catapults through them as well. It also appears that anything (including trebuchets) can move through wall breaches, though I have yet to try that with a siege tower.

    It appears that the restriction on gateways is limited to units that are too high. In addition to trebuchets, the tall Venetian morale-boost standard (Carrocio or something) cannot move through gateways.

    I can also confirm that ladders can be moved after being placed. I have not done so myself, but I have seen the AI take a ladder down from an outer wall to assault an inner wall after capturing the outer wall and gateway.
    Quote Originally Posted by lecnac
    ... it is not necessary to break any wall or gate after having taken the first ring since all rings are interconnected and troops can pass from one outlying ring to the next inner ring.
    Note: in my experience, attackers on the walls cannot alway pass from outlying rings to inner rings (1.2 unofficial leaked patch).

    Q: How do I assault settlements without taking heavy losses?

    A: For good insights into siege artillery and siege tactics, read SMZs faction-specific guide to siege warfare:

    Making or threatening multiple points spaced well apart in the settlement is useful, as explained here:

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnLongarrow
    During a siege when playing single person, having multiple ladders can be extremely useful. I have gotten into the habit of attacking any castle or city from all sides at once and it seems the AI is not good at dealing with this tactic.

    I will normally use one or two infantry units to do scaling per side and I normally have missile troops to back them up. The AI will generally concentrate on stopping one attack and allow the others to get in. This tends to cause the AI to retreat (if possible) to the center while allowing me to get the rest of my army inside to attack with. Then I can surround the AI’s troops and move in for the kill.
    Note: multple rams rather than ladders will also work when used against cities (castles have only one gate). Having some redundancy and bringing more than one ram helps deal with the risk of it being set on fire.

    Didz outlines his approach to sieges in detail:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Didz
    :Assuming you have the battle timer off I would recommend a systematic approach to any seige or assault.

    Breach the walls (Not the gate) preferrably opposite one of the main raods to the settlement centre. If you have any artillery take out any dangerous looking towers first.

    Having made the breach move forward your missile troops and place them as close to the breach as possible so that they fire through it into the defenders on the other side. (You will probably need to limit firing to one unit at a time, otherwise you are wasting missiles.)

    If the enemy bunch on the approaches to the city centre as they sometimes do then then use massed fire arrows to thin their ranks and panic them.

    If the enemy fall back from the breach and approachs to the town centre then move your best heavy infantry through the breach and order them to block the approach roads, remembering to cover the approaches from right and left not just the main route to the centre (especially if the enemy has cavalry). Choose this location with care preferably just behind a point where the street narrows and never with a side road just behind one of your flanks (unless you have a spare unit to block that too).

    Having established a foothold inside the walls move selected units of missile troops through and deploy them just ahead of your blocking force on the road to the town centre. (Don't let them fire at will, they will just waste arrows in house walls, choose deliberate targets and use fire arrows if the fire is parabollic)

    Move the blocking force and missile screen forward slowly preferably using the overwatch system where one group stands firm and the other moves.

    Let the missile unit trigger counter attacks by the defenders along the street and then kite the attackers onto the heavy infantry or spearmen and let them deal with the attack. (Remember to switch 'Skirmish mode off' on the missile unit otherwise it will do really weird things, and don't leave your withdrawal too late as missile troops tend to dither before running.)

    Rinse and repeat, until your assault group reaches the town centre or the enemy runs out of troops, or both. Upon reaching the town centre don't move anything inside the flagged objective area. Move forward and deploy your heavy infantry around the edge and then march any remaining missile units forward and empty the rest of your missiles into the defenders clustered around the objective.

    If you run out of arrows before killing them all bring up your cavalry to deliver the 'coupe de gras' or merely have your infantry finish them.

    I find this minimises my casualties during an assault and the only real threat is usually the General's Personal Bodyguard who can normally chew up the blocking force if its formation isn't solid enough to prevent penetration.

    The AI seems to do best when the human player rushes the breach and then attempts to rush on to the town centre. Units get very distended in the narrow streets and if not allowed to reform regularly become easy meat for defending cavalry. Its much better to force the defenders to come to you and suffer this disorganisation themselves instead.
    More discussion here:

    Artillery can be very useful in sieges. Even ballista can knock down the gates of any settlement. This typically leads them to retreat to the city square, where ballsta can reek terrible damage on enemy troops massed in the centre of the settlement. See Forward Observer's account here:

    For my tips on sieges, read:

    Note: wall towers provide powerful missile fire if the defenders have a unit stationed nearby. An important use of attacking artillery is to destroy those towers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Handel
    Hust found out - the assasins can sabotage ballista/cannon towers too.

    Q: How can I fire diseased sheep?

    Quote Originally Posted by TB66
    Well so far I think only trebuchets can do that.
    It is pretty simple, you simply click the special ammo button.
    You start with the normal ammo, you click once and you get your exploding rocks and then you click again and you get your diseased cows.

    Can point out that the cows uses a seperate ammo then the others.
    When you have selected the cows your ammo bar turns green.
    And once that's empty you will still have the other ammo.
    This causes a big morale effect on the battlefield.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy1991
    Green flashing banners mean that your/the enemies troops are affected by the disease from dead cows launched by trebuchets.

    Q: How do you know if you have captured a tower in a siege?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenicetus
    You "own" a tower when the flag disappears from the top, but it's not ownership in the sense of RTW where it will fire at the enemy. You're just turning it off so it doesn't shoot at your men.

    And the dynamic for this is different too. You have to clear all the enemy units near the tower, not just on the walls but also at the base of the walls and nearby streets. You can't just run troops through the tower to turn it off, if there are still enemy units anywhere nearby. Anyway, check for a flag on the tower. If there's a flag there, it's still shooting at you.

    Q: Sometimes I lose a siege when my catapults have no more ammunition. Why?

    A: This is a bug/feature with castles with more than one wall (fortresses/citadels). The computer thinks you can't get through the inner wall (even though they are often connected to outer walls). Build a ladder or just save the lost round of your artillery.

    Q: What makes a good garrison to defend a settlement?

    A: Issue is discussed here:

    1.4…………….. After the battle

    Q: Should I ransom, execute or release prisoners after the battle?

    A: See discussion in a poll thread on this question:

    Generally releasing raises chivalry; executing raises dread so it partly depends on how you want to develop your general. It is generally better to have either dread or chivalry, so you may want to accentuate the current leanings of your general rather than reduce them by acting contrary to his nature. If the number of captives is less than 80, your choice will not affect your traits. Releasing raises your reputation and executing lowers it. Ransoming is neutral.

    Ransoming is good when you need the cash and/or when the captured enemy troops are relatively low grade types, who you don’t mind eating up the AIs budget. It is particularly profitable if you capture a general. Kings fetch 10000 florins; family members 5000 or so. Note: often the AI factions cannot afford the ransom, so it is way of executing without penalty.

    Releasing may be an attractive way to boost chivalry or reputation when the prisoners are not seen as much of a threat.

    Executing is sensible if you are in a really tight spot or when you have captured an enormous amount of prisoners and fear the AI can afford the ransom.

    Q: How do I control reinforcements?

    Quote Originally Posted by Katank
    On the screen where you get to choose whether to fight it manually, autocalc, or withdraw, you should see checkboxes for reinforcement armies. Uncheck all the boxes if you want to control your reinforcements.

    Reinforcements will arrive until you have 20 units on the field (that's the max). If you want another unit from the reinforcements, you need to withdraw one of the units currently in battle. This is best for missiles troops that ran out of ammo, for example.

    Q: How does unit experience raise combat stats?

    A: From inspecting the unit cards in my VH/VH campaign:

    experience 1: no effect
    experience 2-3: +1 attack, +1 defence
    experience 4-6: +2 attack, +2 defence
    experience 7+: +3 attack, +3 defence

    There may be morale effects, but these are not visible. Experience effects seem somewhat smaller than those in earlier TW games.

    Curiously, after a crusade, all my units were rewarded with going from zero to one experience and this single point did raise their attack and defence.

    Unlike RTW, missile attack is not raised by experience, but experienced archers do get more kills. Tests by CaptainSolo reveal that three gold chevrons of experience roughly doubles the kills from longbowmen and Genovese crossbows against Scottish noble pikemen:

    Q: When I retrain my a depleted unit, are the replacements of the same experience as the unit?

    A: Yes. That quirk of RTW is unchanged (one might imagine replacements have zero experience.)

    Q: How can I shuffle unit cards to get them in an intuitive order?

    A: There is no easy way to do this (you can't drag them from place to place).

    On the battlefield, you can group and ungroup them to switch their order.

    On the campaign map, you can control click them in an army or town and click for them to move somewhere. They will form a stack in the order you clicked them. However, IIRC, you cannot do this for all units - one must be left behind.

    Q: Can I retrain mercenaries and Crusader units back to full strength?

    A: Yes, under some circumstances.

    Quote Originally Posted by Basileus
    You can retrain all mercs as long as its possible to buy the same kind of merc in the region youre in, oh and there needs to be some available otherwise you cant retrain you will need to wait like when training your normal units.
    Last edited by econ21; 12-05-2007 at 02:38.


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